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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/24/2010 in all areas

  1. These are a few of the web pages I found while googling Imam Rauf. There is more to this guy than I've heard in recent news. No way will I trust this guy, if he's not a terrorist himself, he's fronting for them. Follow the money! http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/id.6766/pub_detail.asp http://redcounty.com/content/exposing-real-imam-feisal-abdul-rauf http://weaselzippers.us/2010/08/19/video-moderate-imam-feisal-abdul-rauf-in-his-own-words/
    1 point
  2. I totally agree. In my opinion there is a definate "in your face" agenda hidden in a cloak of religious freedom and tolerance. Obama should take a moment to put himself in the shoes of the people who were directly affected by 9/11 and understand that this would be almost unbearable for these people to see the Mosque built there. It would be like building a monument to the Nazi party in Aushwitz and telling the Jews that Hitler and a couple dozen of his buddies were the bad ones and ruined it for the rest of them. Some things should not be done just because they are extremely insensitive.
    1 point
  3. I dont think they should build any type of shrine there no matter what religon. The only thing should be a plaque or something to the ones who were lost and build buildings for buisness. It is in the financial district of Manhattan. I'm surprised they didn't quarentine the whole damn city and start ripping it up when they found the boat and dock under there. Think about it, If they build a mosque there for prayers you will have every towel head in the world visiting, most likely not for prayer. How will you protect the worlds financial district then. Will non muslem people be allowed in to inspect or for security reasons be present??? I dont think so. Just my .02
    1 point
  4. My personal opinion - not the opinion of my boss (I didn't ask him) - no way would I work on this project. The timing and PLACEMENT seem more like a spit in the face of the American people.
    1 point
  5. I can't believe what I'm seeing with the people who would vote yes. There is a difference between having the right and doing something with it, with rights comes responsibility and this whole situation is insensitive to what happened back on 9-11-2001. Now I'm waiting to hear where the money comes from. This mosque is nothing more than a big trophy and recruiting tool for more terrorists. They can't build this damn thing somewhere else, they don't have any decency? I hope whoever takes these jobs on, their pictures are plastered all over the news so we know who to boycott and put out of business
    1 point
  6. They may not be the same people, but you would think, if they were the religious people they claim to be, they would want to help build their image and show the people of the US and the world that they were not the kind of people that carried out and supported the 9/11 attacks. By insisting on building this Mosque, they are showing something else, in my opinion. What is the real motive for insisting on this location? Is it the only one in NYC? I really believe that if this were a Christian Faith in a Muslim community, they would stop the effort once the local community voiced it's opinion so strongly. I don't think the government should stop this Mosque from being built. That does go against our constitution. But, I do think the Muslim community should stop it. They don't even want to reveal the source of the funding to build it. If they really want to loose the image of terrorist they need to do the kinds of things that make the rest of the world view them in a positive light. A relativly few people are are making the world view an entire population of people in a negative light. Only they can change it. I really wish they would.
    1 point
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