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Posts posted by signfx22

  1. I feel horrible for what happened and my prayers & thoughts to all the victims.

    Mental illness gets looked at very differently than any other injury or sickness.

    You can't put a sling or bandage on someones head when they're depressed. Usually when we see someone in an arm sling or cast we may feel compassion or even offer to help carry something, but this is not common for the people who suffer in silence.

    These people will not burn in hell for something they cannot control. So if anyone out there suffers from anything silent illnesses please don't feel that your useless or beyond help.

    Maybe if we listen or stop cutting these people down WE can avoid these things from happening so often.

    Your worth putting up a fight for. Not thru violence or hurting others but by fighting to get help no matter how difficult.... it may be.

    Talk to us, and may we NEVER EVER minimize it or tell you to snap out of it.


  2. Better copyright the name "Signs Fiction" B4 the take that too! LOL

    These guys are unreal sometimes.


    These trade mags of the sign industry should be classified in the sci-fi genre. Maybe they should change the name of the SOT to "Signs Fiction" :P

    They might as well start printing articles on warping the fabric of space and time or the latest design in light sabre manufacturing. That's about how useful the s#@% they print is.

  3. Hey everyone,

    I've got a guy who wants 2 (4x8) sheets kind of wrapped together around a square pole.

    They will hardly be bent. One on the front & one on the back shaped like this (|)

    My problem is that :

    I don't know how to join the flutes at the ends.

    I can't just glue them together because he wants to change them once in awhile.

    Is there something out there that will hold the 2 ends of the sheets in place.

    I'd appreciate any advise.

    Thanking you all in advance,


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