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Posts posted by manuellynch

  1. In KY we get permits for all signs when it's a new install. When we just change the faces we get face change permits. If the size changes we have to re-submit for a new sign permit. Some cities require elec. inspections of the sign itself, not many though. They check for UL, proper grounding etc...

    On a new sign install it wouldn't matter about the power source. If it's a sign and and it's going to be installed, we have to get a permit. The power source matters less than the sign right now.

    In some cities I need a sign permit, an electrical inspection, foundation inspection if freestanding and a certified engineers drawings if it's a pole sign.

    What if the power source was off-grid solar or micro wind turbine?

  2. I'll check with a couple local shops on permit $'s

    Taxes are to pay for hookers, houses, payoffs, ect. Our gas is finally up to 3.46, 30$ a day now.

    Agreed on the taxes. Was in New Zealand and Australia recently and learned that almost everyone pays 30% taxes but everything taken care of and covered (school, college, medical, retirement, sick time, etc). I think what is interesting is that sales taxes are higher.

    We are in the $3.60s in Las Vegas. In New Zealand it was about $6.40 a gallon. Hardly any SUVs there.

    Thanks for info on permit costs...was curious to know.

  3. In Jersey you need a permit if the sign is removed from the building. Even if you are putting it back up the same as it was. Electrical permits are needed if you are running a new circuit. Everything here costs. Even driving down the roads we pay tolls everywhere. Corruption, gotta love it.

    For #2 they would probably make you get a structural permit to support whatever is powering it. I think they will figure a way to get your money.

    Thanks for feedback. And to think that taxes actually pay for the roads in Jersey!

    What is price of electrical permit vs structural?

  4. I had a conversation with Jim Richards from UL yesterday and we were discussing permits. He said he believed that a lot of companies doing retrofits of signs or replacing a sign on a building will not pull a permit - is this true?

    Also had a few general questions:

    1. How much does a permit cost for a new sign? Isnt broken into structure and electrical inspection?

    2. If you were not connecting to line voltage or a branch circuit - would you pull a permit? Meaning what if it was a sign that ran on its power source (battery, wind turbine, fuel cell)

  5. With shipping charges rising, the Chinese economy growing and prices rising, and with the possibility that NAFTA might be overturned by a potential democratic president...isnt there a great concern that the "low cost" benefit of Chinese manufacturing is going to go away rather quickly?

    And with additional disease outbreaks will US customs be doing further inspections of products and delay deliveries?

    Any feedback on recent experiences would be great.

  6. LUTW (Light Up The World) in Calgary has been doing this for years. http://www.lutw.org/

    Also, I personally met with a different "agency" about 4 years ago to build some prototypes that went a different route than solar, because of the cost. What they did was put batteries and chargers onto bicycles - which everyone already owned and used - to generate 4-6 hours worth of illumination. We're not talking office brightness, but enough for children to read and study, for food to be prepared, etc - it's a significant addition to their daily lives and development. Another huge factor is the reduction in the use of fire (candles, kerosene, wood) as a light source and a consequent reduction in actual fires, which spread very quickly due to the nature of the structures themselves.

    Light Up the World in Canada? The CEO of this company only went to 3rd world countries where he could mountain climb.

    Cost on Solar is nowhere near what it use to be when they did this analysis.

  7. I heard this great interview on National Public Radio about this eye doctor that setup a charity to sell very inexpensive eye glasses to third world countries. He set it up to train women in these 3rd world countries to make their own businesses selling the glasses...it has been a huge success. He also now sells the glasses in high end designer stores for $$$$$ and takes a big percentage of the profit and donates back to his charity.

    I will find the article - very interesting approach.

    We are envisioning the same with our solar lighting system - not given away but sold by local people for a very small amount.

    The first demo we did was in Sri Lanka.

  8. My wife does in class support for preschool special ed and has had 3 kids declassified this year.

    She works for an avid district in NJ where they do not want the special ed kids to be excluded from normal class rooms.

    Do you think "main streaming" special needs children is good for the "normal children"? Doesnt it bring the whole education level down in the classroom? But then we are all suprised when the USA is rated now as having one of the worst education systems in the world.

  9. When I was a kid In the early 80s, I lived in Brazil, South America. Kids didn't have a lot of money so they were a lot more creative and inventive. We used to make and fly our own kites, And actually have dog fights with them. We would take fluorescent tubes and crush them into a fine powder,Mix it with some glue In liquid form, Stretch out about 100 feet of kite line,And apply to the line.I remember the white clouds when I was smashing the tubes

    You are then ready for battle. You would maneuver your kite into position against your opponent, and free spool line across his tight line,And watch his kite Drift away. If you were really good You would entangle Your kite's tale with his, Then cut his lineand real his kite back to you As a battle prize

    Great story! Arent you amazed that we are still alive today???

    Something else to think about - remember all the early mobile phones with Red LEDs? Early red LEDs had arsenic in them so disposing them in a landfill was a bad idea.

    I think we live in an age where we have a heightened sense of fear. And to have the Roman Catholic Church tell us today that it is a sin to be against being environmentally aware - isnt that a guilt trip for a large portion of the world!!!

    I heard on National Public Radio recently that there was a toy science kit in the 1950s that came with a small amount of radioactive materials...and those people are still alive and kicking. Go figure.

  10. We had a crazy thought today that we thought we would make some of you laugh at...

    What would you think if we started advertising that our LED modules help in enlarging your member? Or what if we said that since you will save a lot of money by using our products you can buy one of those ROLEXs in the spam emails!

    Wanted to get some comical ideas and feedback from people on how we could take some of the more common junk email we get and use it to develop a very memorable advertising campaign.

    Make us laugh. Please.

  11. Well put sir.

    Here is an issue I have - how are field inspectors being trained on the new laws??? They are not. Part of the joke sometimes is that a field inspector probably will not even know what they are looking at.

    One time I asked a Chief Fire Inspector in California how he had his inspectors check lighting levels on staircases or in areas that required a certain foot candle reading. He told me, we just look at it and check to see if it appears to be enough light. I asked if they used any meters to check - he said no. He said it didnt matter anyway because even if there was a fire they couldnt be sued...if they were brought to court they could say it was inspected and it appeared to be enough light.

    So how is the last sherriff in town, the inspector, being trained? Would be great to get some inspectors on this board. I would suggest everyone invite them to join this board and comment.

  12. Manuel - I'm disappointed. Piss of old timers because letters can be made cheaper, or faster. What pisses me and other old timers off is because the new guys SELL those products and give their shit away.\

    And do you really believe that age doesn't also bring experiences that can't be duplicated by someone that's 18 years old?? Assuming you're right --------- you'd back down what you know, what you can bring to the table because of your 30 years in led's etc to an 20 year old that managed to graduate from college, and is going to turn the industry on its heels with a brand new, undiscovered led that hasn't even been tested. Sounds like some of the doctors we have practicing. I take you on my team anyday --------. I can hire grunt labor ----- I can't find the experience that means shit. You know where I work, and we've discussed that very thing. Lots of talented people ---------------but expereince in the business????

    And, please, don't anyone get me wrong. I'm all in favor of young people wanting to come in and LEARN the industry. But the key is to LEARN the business and not just rape it.



    Gary, sometimes youth brings a lack of fear and an attitude towards trying to reinvent the world. I just dont like when older generations stop the creative expression or intentions of youth to try and pursue their dreams, interest or passion. Even though my parents told me the flame was hot I had to dance in it to learn that I could get burned...I had to learn in my way.

    And Gary, dont get me wrong, there are some younger generation actions and how they approach situations that makes me feel like I am getting old. So instead of mocking it I decided to keep my brain moving and learning why they approach things in that way. I have learned a few lessons and have been able to teach a few too. I find that giving up on my experience and sitting side by side by youth opens them up to listening to my experiences. mutual respect.

    And for the record - we are not "giving our product away" - we just took a look at some of the younger generation ideas of company structure and applied the ones that made sense and worked. We figured out how to significantly reduce overhead and operating cost and have decided instead of getting fat, dumb, happy and....old...we decided to pass savings onto customers. At the same time we actively teach them how to make more money - not just save energy but how to make money in a down market. I had a long talk with someone today about a solar system for powering a sign that will actually cost less to make the sign and install than a conventional fluorescent sign.

    But Gary, I just turned 40, so officially I am now old.


  13. You know, I hear ya on the bad seed....some of my students are so well behaved and then you have the ones that are from some other planet......I also look at the home life and the parents. All of my 10 students, except for 3... their parents are divorce because of the child's diagnosis...the parents blame one another for what has happen to the child......they start blaming the genes.....crazy.

    Talking with parents on their child's bad behavior blows my mind...they brush it off stating "he/she was provoked".....it has gotten to the point where it is a big joke. I am very lucky to work with great people where we all have each others best interest at heart...we take care of each other and our students.........The kids that seem to be the bad seed....I, myself cannot figure out the parents......

    I have to say, it breaks my heart when child services has to get involved because that seems to be the only eye wakening......and I think that does more damage when the child is taken away and then put back with the parent....these kids need good structure.....

    I have something to share again,

    Today...there is a little boy in kindergarten and they want to place him in my class.....remind you...I work with special needs (autism and MR), this little boy...his IQ is off the chart (meaning he is so bright), yet this child cannot stat the ABC's and he cannot write his name let alone spell it, nor can he identify numbers....when I worked with him today to observe him, he talks like a baby and wanted me to do everything for him (because his mommy does).....so now that I have observed this child...I am trying to figure out why they say his IQ is off the chart (how is that determined).....I am still waiting for someone to tell me how they tested him for his IQ level.....here we are going into March and he has been in school since September....I also look at the teacher he has, why wait till now to say something....what has this child been doing this whole time in the classroom. He should be reading and he cannot.......

    So, I am not sure this child belongs in my class.....it is crazy that children are moved around like this.......I also have to say, once a child is placed in a special needs environment....the school gets so much money from the government......but does the child really belong there.....

    I heard a lot about: A) mainstreaming special needs kids and the cost it put on the normal class room - I remember a story about a special needs kid that liked grabbing all the girls chests!, B) the cost on our system to have a kid in a special needs class - shouldnt the parents do more in these situations??? I remember the day an acquaintance of mine in the past got a $75,000 special wheel chair for the kid - she drove the thing with her mouth. Trust me, it is sad - but I wonder if it is more sad how much money this family is taking from the "system". The mom didnt work and the dad was in jail for one reason or another.

    I agree about child services - but is there a service that would be there for your husband and kids if you didnt do anything and this 5 year old did do something damaging to you?

    I love people that are passionate about their work but from experience dont let it run the risk of destroying your personal life.

    The best story I ever heard was about one parent whose special needs kid had to be on a "natural food diet" - so the mom sent the kid to school with raw onions to eat...I didnt really believe this until I smelt it.

  14. It is interesting how parents are given a FREE pass for their kids bad behaviour when the doctor diagnosis them as autistic. Might it be bad parenting???

    Also - I think sometime if parents just watched Ceasar Milan's the DOG WHISPERER they may get many ideas on how to handle unruly children.

    On the 5 year old - what I learned sitting on the sideline watching for years was to ignore the troublemaker and do not give them the attention they are seeking. Focus on the good kids. Also, in light of the recent shootings in Las Vegas as the schools there seems to be a huge intolerance for these type of threats. I would let the parents know that you are going to report them and their child to the police - trust me, they will very quickly become an active participant in solving the problem. And...you should report them for your own safety. 5 years old or 16 years old (age of kid in Las Vegas) - you shouldnt have to face the threat of death when you are trying to help people.

    Also - some kids and people are just bad seeds. A friend of mine divorced his wife in San Diego who had a child from a previous marriage because she would not address how her son acted - he decided that he did not want the liability associated with being part of her family. Her son was drunk driving recently in a rental car and killed two people. A bad seed is a bad seed. In nature life has a way of culling off the problems.

    And I do agree with Gary Nutting - mercury is going to be a problem. I asked someone from the DOE the other day what their response was to the fact that it takes more energy to recycle a fluorescent bulb than the energy it saves over its life...they were stumped.

  15. Ahhh,

    Today is Wednesday...yeeeeeaaaaahhhhhhh...2 more days until the weekend, well actually a day and half because Fridays are where it starts with a little happy hour......and Thursdays I end at 11:30am....I got it gooooooodd......

    How's everyone's week so far? any drama that any one cares to share? All I hear and read is the Hollywood drama...what about us real folks???

    Ok, ya'll I wanna hear what ya'll got to say.......

    Time to share and vent.......not that I am going to solve any issues, but it's good to share with your fellow friends...

    I'll go first.

    See, I work with children that have special needs (mainly with children that have autism) and I tell ya...I think doctors now and days are too darn quick when it comes to diagnosing a child. One little thing wrong with the child and it means he/she has autism...so then they throw the child in a class that they really do not belong in......and I have to deal with parents wanting me to fix their child and make them all better...IF I COULD, HELL...I WOULD!

    I have been working with these children (autism) for a long time now, I know a child that is autistic and a child that is not autistic,vs. a child that is just emotionally disturb........I mean.....since when does a child that is autistic come up to a teacher and say they are going to blow my f... head off with a machine gun and then turn around to another teacher and say I am going to slit your throat...I mean...that child is not autistic...that child has some mental issues....too many movies, video games..parents.....something is not right, but it is not autism.....

    Is anyone out there familiar with special needs (autism or emotionally disturb)????? I am trying to work with parents on this and boy am I lost and so is the staff I work with....I was just told after spring break, I am going to be working with a new kid and he is just something else....he has been turned away from certain programs and several teachers have given up on him...the kid is only 5 years old....WOW.......

    Ok, ya'll...I have vented and shared my week......who is next....it can be about anything......

    Thanks for listening:)

    Funny, Westcoast sign guy wonders where I get my patience from when I work with my little treasures......

    I didnt know you did this work. I know a lot about this...both medically and in having to "work" with the children. My ex-wife had to work with several - this is tough work. But I am wondering if it isnt more difficult to work with the parents. The Mind Institute at UC Davis has put out some interesting reports about how mercury is causing problems in some of the children - Gary Nutting and I know quite a bit about the concept that what may appear to be a mercury related nerve disorder might be something TOTALLY different!!!

    I agree with you about how some parents are raising their kids and how it has become the "new" disease for parents to have their children diagnosed with...take a step back and look at the huge industry that has evolved from the concept and the real disease itself.

    I think a great book for you and anyone who is questioning the "green end-of-the-world" movement is Michael Chrichton's STATE OF FEAR. Shows how with the COLD WAR ended how the economy needs some other FEAR to spur the growth. It appears that GLOBAL WARMING, AUTISM, and TERRORISM are the new FEARS.

    Good luck in your work!

    On my rant this week - I went horse back riding for my 40th B-Day in the mountains outside of Las Vegas - I was with a bunch of women and they all kept looking at me and smiling at me when we were riding. I am a tall guy (6-4) and I needed a big horse. After the ride my ego was shot down when my fiancee told me that they werent looking at me but how endowed my male horse was...hahaha! With that and all the spam email I get...I was starting to get a complex.

  16. I can't comment on the bureaucratics of the industry, or on the "association" (which I didn't know existed, sounds elitist, don't see a reason to ever join..)

    But as for new blood entering the lighted sign market, your pretty accurate, I've been on other message boards, and whenever I try to post a question about anything lighted, I get that same arms folded mentality - instead of help, I get responses that try to convince me I shouldn't be in this market.. Haven’t enough experience. I have seen the same thing happen to other posters as well, which is why I appreciate this board so much. I think some of the older sign guys are reluctant to help because they are intimidated by this younger generation of the sign industry. Possibly it has something to do with the advent of the digital market (wide format printing seems to be easily embraced by the younger generations of the industry which tend to be more familiar with computers) which the older guys are a bit more reluctant to get in to (wraps and such). Of course I'm not trying to generalize here -

    I also see this push towards LED as a way to grab some of the less informed market who are just getting into lighted signs...I could be wrong though.

    You are absolutely right. People using age as an experience factor over you is pretty pathetic. They are much older but do they know how to do and use things that you do today (iPOD, video games, computing tools, etc)?

    We are going to post a video that will just piss off the old timers as it will show that you can take the LEDs out of the shipping container, populate a 24" channel letter, close the letter, and connect it to power in less than 5 minutes. And what is more important is that the cost of materials to light the 24" letter X is only $35.00 in LEDs and only $11.50 in power supply cost ($34 60 Watt power supply - letter is 18 Watts or 1/3rd the price) - total letter is $46.50 + 5 minutes of any labor.

  17. Am I missing something? Bernanke comes out and says the US market is in trouble and inflation is happening...are energy efficient CFL bulbs going to be the same price as a $100 LLF LED product anytime soon...if so, I am getting out of this country...that would be well over 50X increase in price!

    And if inflation and cost are going up how are LED prices going down? Is it the one technology that is immune from global pressures? I want to walk on the same water that LLF can if this is true.

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