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Posts posted by ezsignsplus

  1. I need your input.

    I started this site just a little over 2 years ago now after noticing a lack of an online medium for electric signs, neon and commercial/architectural type signage where fabricators installers and manufacturers can communicate, exchange/share ideas.

    As I expressed in another thread (Vegas ISA 2007) there seems to be a lack of either interest or organization in this industry. If your a Sign Painter, Pin Stripper, vinyl jockey, there seems to be a bigger structure and organization for that but why not this aspect of this trade? I can go to other sites and I see very little talk about our aspect of the industry, so it's not busier anywhere else, this has stumped me. I can only think of maybe 2 or 3 other neon sign based websites and those are less populated than this site.

    I have often wondered about a couple of things and I always ask myself this:

    A. Is the timing of a site like this, for this aspect of the trade the wrong time? Because benders, shop owners, journeymen and installers of this aspect of the trade much older where an online community is of no interest? I come to this conclusion because here locally I've even tried to get some friends and acquaintances who initially sounded interested but become a "no show", and the age group is usually above 47. Is online communication too far ahead of the baby boomer generation who seem to run the industry?

    Is it fear of spreading ideas to your competition? Is it too intimidating getting involved?

    I've never met a more "hush hush" crowd than those in this part of the sign trade, whether it's here or in my own backyard. One big tool I thought would be largely used is the "Live Chat room" and I'm shocked to find it never used.

    With restrictive legislature on the horizons based on false information, power consumption, unfounded Mercury falsehoods closing our industry down I'd have thought more communication would be about and not a lack of.

    So my question to you all is a two parter. Getting some input on my questions above and also, Is there something you would like to see more on/more of on this site? What may be changed? Is there a need for more separation? I've enjoyed having a more laid back site where you can enjoy yourself, screw around and still get to the serious discussions (Treated as if your in a pub). It's a little reflection of me. Some sites are too serious, is this site not serious enough.

    So please, whether your a first time poster, the usual lurker who never posts and you enjoy this site and having it around, I'd like to get some real feed back (constructive positive/negative)whether it's here in this thread in the public forum, or sent to me as a Private Message. I'd very much appreciate it :thumbs:

    Or click here to email me

    I have learned a wealth of knowledge on this site and plan to learn more since our main Customer base was vehicle wraps and Digital printing

    but i have expanded and now have service guys and bucket trucks running daily

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