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Posts posted by saneon

  1. I've seen a similar LED product (made by I-light) used here in Florida on some high profile exterior jobs that were retrofitted from neon.

    The cost for the retrofits for 2 of the jobs that I quoted for a relamp was more than 5 times the cost of replacing the 15 year old neon. Install not included.

    In less than 2 years I was contacted to replace the I-light do to its miserable performance. The Florida sun made short work of the plastic housing encasing the LED's . A couple of tropical storms later and you have a bunch of disintegrated plastic tubing hanging from your building or sign structure. That product is definitely not made to hold up in a tropical climate . I'm sure colder climates with freezing temps. and ice would have a similar affect on it.

    It really does make you wonder what a "salesperson" has to say or promise to get someone to spend way too much money on an unproven product that is made to replicate the one that has given you 70 years of service.

  2. That's why I always paid my tube benders by the piece . It's self motivating and works well provided you have experienced tube benders that can produce quality along with the quantity.

    Of course it's tough for me to generate enough business to keep a tube bender working everyday right now.

  3. I worked in a union sign shop back in the late 80's and 90's and remember wondering how a business could properly reward the deserving and productive employees when the dead weight was gauranteed the exact same rewards for their efforts or lack there of. Every contract year the union would hold the business hostage until they strong armed their way to new unprecedented raises and benefits until the business finally was no longer able to compete in the market place and it went belly up.

    This model for failure looks exactly like our present administrations social agenda.

  4. Probably the main reason we have the best Healthcare in the world is because of profit. It's profitable to keep people alive and to treat illness. Take the profit out of anything. Where's the money and the incentive to develop anything new?


    Reminds me of a book I read in college called 'Atlas Shrugged' written by Ayn Rand back in the 50's .

    Her book describes the eventual collapse of society due to governmental interference in industry and the elimination of a profit incentive for the most productive in the society.Lo

    Was this the same Ayn Rand who was a devout Atheist and and absolutely was opposed to any agrressive acts such as war for any reason?

    She also thought the poor were basically worthless entities who should be thrown on the scrapheap of society.

    An intersting factoid you may not have known;

    Rand underwent surgery for Lung Cancer 1974 after decades of heavy smoking. In 1976 she retired from writing her newsletter and, despite her initial objections, reluctantly allowed Evva Pryor, a consultant from her attorney's office, to sign her up for Social Security and Medicare. I guess in the end she succumbed to being one of the takers after years of being fiericly Capitalistic.

    Yes, I read Atlas Shruggd and Fountainhead along with other books such as Soul on Ice, Malcom X and Catcher in the Rye but to name a few as required reading in my junior high curriculum. They were all required reading but I never subscribed anything more to them other than required nonsense to pass my class.

    And we all know how the proclamation of being an Ayn Rand junkie which guided his adult life worked out for Representative Paul Ryan. I think the majority of folks in the country weren't too impressed with Ayn Rand or Mr. Ryan.


    I am familiar with Rands beliefs , political and philosophical view points. Don't claim to be a "Rand junkie"

    I very simply stated that Mark's comment along with other comments in this thread ,ie..doctors are ready to walk away from their profession due to the new health care law ,reminded me of a book I read 25 years ago.

    Seems to be a lot of liberties taken in this thread to put words or intents of others opinions /statements in question and proceed to attack them. Don't take yourself so seriously bro. I respect your opinion but don't preach to me .

    If you were educated in the U.S. progressive public educational system I Seriously dought that any of Rand's works were part of your curriculum at any level.

  5. Probably the main reason we have the best Healthcare in the world is because of profit. It's profitable to keep people alive and to treat illness. Take the profit out of anything. Where's the money and the incentive to develop anything new?


    Reminds me of a book I read in college called 'Atlas Shrugged' written by Ayn Rand back in the 50's .

    Her book describes the eventual collapse of society due to governmental interference in industry and the elimination of a profit incentive for the most productive in the society.

  6. Maby you should educate yourself Travis. I'm wondering where you've heard and read how it will "hammer" the self employed....My guess would be FOX news! You can't find specifics, but you did read and hear that it will hammer the self employed. Sounds like excellant journalism you've been reading.

    It's incredible really....the people it will help the most will still find a way to hate and fear it because it wasn't what they were told to vote for.

    Imagine the amount of people that hated and were afraid of Social Security when it was introduced.

    I"m sure that was the master plan behind the whole system....Hammer the smallest sector of business!

    Come on Travis, I'm sure you're smarter than that!

    Obamacare = more tax dollars spent subsidizing a social program for the dead beats that refuse to carry their own weight.

    It's f'ing ridiculous to make this priority 1 when we have no money to support it.

    Here's a concept : focus on job creation and tighten the belt on spending .

    I have insurance , don't want or need big bros help. Thanks

    Sean Hannity said so : )

  7. Neon......, Its a beautiful thing ! We have kept busy with neon manufacturing and repairs for the last 5 years straight.

    We push neon in all our channel letters with the guarantee and brightness that no one else can. The educated customer will not buy LED signs after I speak to them.

    Neon is for the talented and skilled professionals. You can't buy it out of the box or get it cheaper from the next guy off the boat.

    That's awesome . Props for keeping quality sign manufacturing alive .

  8. Congratulations to the Neon Group for achieving recognition by U.L.'s Green Leaf program. One clarification I would like to make in the above post is that they "got this accomplished without the help of any other sign organization/association".

    The Sign Industry Business Panel was formed in 2008 to work with UL on business issues of importance to the industry. The panel consists of reps from ISA, USSC and WSA, as well as U.L. The panel is chaired by Rich Gottwald of ISA. One of our earlier projects was working with U.L. to develop the Green Leaf program. The panel participated in developing the relevant U.L. certification criteria for the program.

    While we did not participate in the Neon Group's work on this issue, the Sign Industry Business Panel did set the stage so that products like neon can be recognized for their performance.

    Arrogance at it's peak>>>>>>

    Are we suppose to thank him for the Green Leaf program ? LOL

    The ISA's "business panel" hasn't done shit to preserve and protect the integrity of the sign industry .

    It's just a tool for those pulling the strings to manipulate and dictate the direction the market must take.

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