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Sign Lady

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Posts posted by Sign Lady

  1. 2 minutes ago, Brian said:

    We do crane lifts for a lot of HVAC units and trusses, and have been asked to see our certification card by several plant managers.


    I have been asked once and when I tell them that it isn't mandatory yet they are good and we go on with the work.  They say as long as OSHA can't fine them for not making me have it they are good.  But that's the only time I have been asked about it.

  2. 16 minutes ago, bowtievega said:

    Although we don't have to worry about the crane cert issue because we are renting cranes when needed, what TDewitt mentioned about the crystalline silica OSHA standard is definitely something everyone should look at.  It actually took effect on the 23rd of September.  I think this has a much bigger long term effect on our business than the crane regs.  We already have GC's asking for our updated safety plans that include the silica dust procedures lol.



    Even though you rent cranes, if they are over the weight limit that doesn't have to worry about certification, wouldn't you still have to have your operator(s) certified???  Just curious.  If OSHA shows up on your job site, he/she is going to be checking operator certification regardless of who owns the crane, correct??

  3. 32 minutes ago, Brian said:

    That is exactly what I was stating.   Those that follow the rules are saddled with extra fees and cost, while those that don't make more money and bid jobs cheaper as they have much less overhead.   Never once did I say a cert. made you a better crane operator.   

     Those HACKS will not even get a cert. when it does come into effect.   I think I must have worded my initial statement wrong.

    We couldn't wait until the last minute to see if it actually was going to take affect, and then scramble to get certified before getting fined.   That was my bitch.   So not fussing at you Angie!


    LOL - I'm glad cause I don't like being fussed at.  Believe me, I bitch about the folks that don't pull permits and licenses around here.  We have 2 right now that are working on the weekends and in the wee hours of the morning - one with a pull behind lift - no names anywhere - to keep from pulling business licenses and permits.  I keep thinking the City will do what they would to me if I were doing it and fine them, but nothing is ever done to them because the folks with the City won't get out on the weekends and or at night to catch them to even find out who they are.   That is the kind of work we fight against every day too, so  I completely understood what you meant, just felt like it was kind of a broad statement that seemed like you thought that everybody that had not spent the money to do the crane certification were "HACKS".  That was the only thing I took offense to.  Not the fact that you were calling the true hacks, hacks because I couldn't agree with you more!  :thumbs:   Just wanted to tighten the stroke of the brush a little, that's all. 

  4. Brian, I very calmly take offense at the broad brush of "HACKS" myself.   I for one am ECSTATIC they have pushed the deadline out again!!  I hope they move it again - actually that it goes away!!  Certification doesn't make you a good or bad crane operator.  I have men tell me all of the time that I am the best they have ever seen!  I actually have folks that once they see me operate my crane, they won't call anybody else.  That comes from 30 years of EXPERIENCE - not a certification.   A certification doesn't make you a good crane operator.  Patience and experience do.  Certified crane operators can have an accident just as easily as a non certified one.  Not sure if you remember, but since 2008 it has been TOUGH on small businesses like mine (all size businesses actually) - barely held on, but thank God we are still here - because of that 30 years and our reputation - so thousands of dollars to spend on yet ANOTHER certification at this point was not something I could afford to do.  But I can ASSURE you I/we are not "HACKS"!  If not for the costs of insurances, licenses, permits, keeping up with certifications and regulations and taxes we could possibly make some money.  If and when they come up with a date certain, I will bite the bullet and go take a test, but until then, I will continue with what has worked for me for 30 years.  Skill and experience.  Please don't fuss at me!  LOL    :beerchug:   Have a great hump day!

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  5. 27 minutes ago, UFB Fabrication said:

    I look at this another way.   To many hacks are still touching neon.  Eventually those with the skills to build and service it we will be the only ones working on it and actually able to charge what its worth.  


    I keep thinking that, Steve, but it seems there are more coming in.  Seems more coming in than going out!!  I sure relish the day that does happen though!!  

  6. You just have to wonder why the trades are so against neon now.  Seems like it grows even more over time.  I LOVE neon and the way it looks.  Most of my customers do to.  But it is HARD to convince them to stay with neon when they read stuff like this, or like you have said, speak with people that tell them falsehoods about the durability/cost of LED vs neon.  I try my best any time I can to talk my customers into staying with neon if they have it already.  I have a customer right now that has 2 restaurants (with double rows of neon on ALL sides) someone has CONVINCED him he needs to change to LED and I have talked until I am blue in the face trying to convince him to leave the neon and just repair it.  I haven't been successful yet, but I am still trying. LED is just not for the application he wants to use it for.  But like they say, the customer is always right, right?  LOL

  7. 1 hour ago, iesigns said:

    I am also a a sign woman (19 years in the industry) and I have been very lucky.  Especially here in Idaho.  But if you can't see that we're the exception, then you're not looking very hard.  Women have fought hard for every "right" we have in this country including marching and protests.  If that's what it is going to take to keep these rights and continue our rise to "across the board" equality, then so be it.  I did not take part in this particular protest because I had responsibilities at work, but I fully supported those that did.  I will always support peaceful protest.  As the mother of daughters, I believe it is imperative to support ALL women.  That being said, I would prefer to not see political posts here. 





    First of all, my first sentence was, that I knew this wasn't about the sign industry (been doing it 28+ years), but out of morbid curiosity, I wanted to see what my "friends" here thought about what was going on.  At any point after reading that, you didn't have to continue to read my inquiry.  Just saying.  Last I checked, I have the right to post what I want to, as you have the right not to read what you don't.


    Secondly, if you will read my question again, you will not see in it anywhere where I say some women don't experience some form of discrimination at some point in their lives.  Didn't say it, didn't imply it, didn't infer it.  If you will look 2 or 3 posts back of mine, you will see where I was discussing with Erik that very thing - that when men call here sometimes I can tell them something, but they will want to talk to my husband to get the final word - he gets on the phone and tells them the very same thing I just got finished telling them, and they take his word for it.  Difference is, I don't take all of that PERSONALLY!!  I don't go into a deep depression and throw a fit or get out and march - don't need a safe space with a therapy dog, play dough and hot chocolate -  I especially don't DELIBERATELY hurt other people like the children that had no teachers that day - because I know at the end of the day, the people I care most about know my worth and most importantly, I know my worth!!!  The rest, I could care less about what they think of me or my worth!!!  I work and bust my butt every day because I own just as much of this business as my husband does, and know just as much as he does about this industry.  So, no, I don't have to look very hard because I experience it all of the time.  So your inference that I haven't been on that side of it, is absurd on its face.  But while looking, all I see in this Country today are women THRIVING more than any time in memory.  Women that can do ANYTHING they WANT to as long as they apply themselves and work as hard as I and others do.  LIMITLESS opportunities.  In some instances more opportunities than men.  Like Paul said, men lose out to women every time if they are listed as a woman owned or minority owned business.  FACT.  They have more tools at their disposal than ever, that if they experience sexism or any other ism for that matter, they can fight back and do.  I just want to know what right President Trump has taken away from the marching, protesting women with the stupid looking hats on their heads or the vaginas over their faces??  NONE!  That is the answer.  The only thing I kept hearing them say when asked was Planned Parenthood and or abortion.  I, myself, as a woman, am offended by THAT!  I am more than just my body parts!  Pretty hard to take them seriously. So are they protesting the right to kill babies??  Is that what their "movement" is about??  Seems so.  So, no, I DON'T support THAT!!!  So if my supporting ALL women means I have to support that, then I respectfully "RESIST"!!  If they don't think they have rights, they should take a look at women that TRULY don't.  Like women that suffer genital mutilation, women that are stoned to death or other forms of honor killing - then they may just realize exactly how great they have it here in the good old US of A.  Thank goodness the vast majority don't agree with their cause.


    Last, I believe in the right to a peaceful protest as well, but that is NOT what we have afoot these days.  FAR from it.  I also believe that your right to "peacefully assemble" and "protest" STOPS when you infringe on the rights of others and or destroy property of others!!  And that is exactly what they wanted that "A Day Without A Woman" to do (though other than the schools having to close, they MISSED and fell short - nobody but the mainstream media, Hollyweird and the far left cared).  When you cross over into hurting CHILDREN when schools have to be closed because TEACHERS, the people that are given one of the most sacred of jobs, teaching and caring for our children, refuse to show up because of some kind of mess like this, you have gone TOO FAR!!  They didn't help their "cause", they hurt it - and the children.  I am the mother of a daughter, and the grandmother of a granddaughter.  I raised my daughter from a very young age to be a STRONG woman that is self sufficient, know her worth and not take crap from ANYBODY.  I have always told both of them that they don't need to get out and march and protest to prove their worth.  That they only need to know their worth, know that all of us that love them know their worth, and make darn sure they know not to stand for anything they feel is wrong for them.  That is what I feel is imperative as a mother and grandmother - and they are the ONLY women I feel I owe my support to.  


    Just a last note about what I have learned about The Sign Syndicate site over the years ...... and I hope I speak for the vast MAJORITY of the others here ..... you are liable to see ANYTHING on here - those easily offended are going to be.  #NOTMYMARCH   #IHAVERIGHTSTOO  #ISHOWEDUPTOWORK


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  8. 15 hours ago, Erik Sine said:

    I have to chuckle, and I have to note that today, we've had a lot of angry members unsubscribe today from newsletters because of this thread.


    I've received everything from:


    "FUCK YOU"




    "As a woman, I don't want to be ridiculed. Just because you don't experience
    sexism in your life doesn't mean that others have that experience. I wish
    you had shown kindness and compassion for others less fortunate..."


    Lot's of emotion out there.    :lol_hitting::lol_hitting::lol_hitting:



    You have GOT to be joking, right??  So, let me get this straight.  THEY have the right to protest and act a fool, but I don't have the right to post a question to see what the thoughts are on it, on a site that I visit EVERY day with people I consider my friends??  That proves exactly where we are in this Country right now.  SOME have rights (the whack a doodle left), and those that don't AGREE with THEM don't!!  And the sad part is, the irony and hypocrisy of that just completely escapes them.  And as for the one that stated "as a woman, I don't want to be ridiculed.  Just because you don't experience sexism ....." - nobody has been ridiculed in this post.  It was merely a question that I asked AS A WOMAN!!!!  Which, last I checked, I have the right to do.  If the snowflakes took offense to this post, maybe they don't need to come on here.  LOL - I am sorry I caused you any problems though, Erik.  I hope you know that was NEVER my intention or purpose in asking what I thought was just a thought provoking inquiry because it was on my mind that day.  These people, that if you don't agree with everything they believe, think that opposition things should not be posted or discussed, should not be on here.  That is just my personal opinion.  This isn't a college campus where you can shout people down & shut them down just because you don't agree with them, or act like children and turn your back on a speaker or burn the school down because you don't agree with what the speaker says or believes.  Because, in my mind, that is what I LOVE so much about this site.  The differences in opinions and the ability we all have to agree to disagree at times without this kind of crap/behavior/temper tantrums.  I just STILL wonder what in the hell they were "protesting"?????  Like someone else said - if it were REALLY about women's rights, they would have been doing this every year, but they haven't been.  Just be honest about it.  Call it what it was.  A protest of President Trump - for whatever reason Hollyweird tells them they should today.  Time to get rid of the safe spaces, the therapy dogs, the hot chocolate and get back to being responsible ADULTS!!!!  Enough is enough.  #NOTMYMARCH!!  #IHAVERIGHTSTOO

    • Like 3
  9. 16 minutes ago, alltex said:

    You disagree with me, not Paul.  Not sure what you disagree with.  It's as if you think no man has suffered, died defending this Country, helped build, and create what we all have.  I've been a guy for 49 years.  I still have never been invited to the club.  Where men get together, plot and plan to hold women, or non Caucasian races down.  I live in TX.  I think I'd be someone that group would contact.  My mother worked her ass off, going to college-paid her own way, to become an Attorney.  Which she did for nearly 40 years.  She instilled my work ethic.  Not my father who left us when I was around 8.  When I hit 18, I joined the Army.  Went to school, worked 3 jobs at some times.  I've been in the sign biz for 25 years now, 10 as an owner (with my wife).  My wife hung wallpaper for 20 years.  Started her biz when she was 22.  She, like me have worked for everything we have.  Zero, I mean zero help from our families, or the Gov.

    Disagree with me as much as you want.  No one should demand to be treated more special, than anyone else.  Basically, that's what all the protests are about.  That, and Hillary losing.



  10. 16 hours ago, HansonSigns said:

    It's all BS - I was in the Navy for 8 years, 10 years as a secretary  and now 19 years in this sign shop.  You want equality?  Do the job!  Want a raise?  Do the job!  Deserve a raise?  Ask for it! If you don't get what you deserve, find a job where you will.  Just stop blaming other people.  I'm sure there are situations/companies that really work that way.  I guess I've been blessed not to be in that situation. 


    There were some instances in the Navy where the "old guard" called me sweetheart and made inappropriate comments.  I stood up for my self and called bs on it.  The one guy who didn't quit got reported to our superiors (chain of command, it works) and then he quit.  Retaliation?  Nope.  Our leadership took effective action and shut him down.


    Maybe this "Womens Day" was to call attention to women all over the world that are treated as second class citizens - not equal to their male counterparts (I don't know the real issue, I missed the memo)?  How does our "support" by not going to work help these women out?  wouldn't it be better to find organizations that support helping these women and donate a day's pay to them?


    I'm not entitled to anything because I'm a woman.  I'm entitled to what I earn because I work for it. 



    AMEN!!!!!   Everything these days is somebody's fault, or somebody else is to blame.  No personal responsibility anymore.  Saw this morning that they are actually having NAP SESSIONS on some of these college campuses!!!  Just when you think you have heard it all .......  A celebrity said the other day that Donald Trump is making her gain weight!! NO, your lack of will is causing you to gain weight.  Your lack of being able to stop your arm from moving up and down to your mouth is causing you to gain weight.  I am sick of everything being somebody else's fault, never their own.  If some of these "kids" had grown up when we did, they would not have survived!  Fact.  

    • Like 1
  11. I know this is not about the sign industry, but just out of morbid curiosity - what are you guys thoughts on this "Day without a woman" crap these fools are doing tomorrow??  There are schools actually closing because they have TEACHERS that aren't going to show up for work tomorrow!!  My opinion is, you don't show up for work here tomorrow for some mess like this, you don't have a job on Thursday!  Enough is enough of this crap!  Just wanted to know - as a woman - what I may be missing??!!   LOL

    • Like 1
  12. 51 minutes ago, Erik Sine said:

    Double row is even better than a single row for your transformer runs that will leave all GTO runs short. 


    What components are used for the glass connections?  PK's, 200's, Masters? 



    I will have to ask the boys when they get back to make certain, but I believe PK's - given when this was done.

  13. On 2/8/2017 at 11:50 AM, Erik Sine said:

    We need to have that music playing the background ...."It's a man's world" :P


    Here's a couple of things you can show him.


    This comparison was last taken back in 2015

    Border Security 1015 Cab copy.jpg


    A big question you'll have to answer is, is the system on a 30ma or 60ma?  What diameter tube, 15mm/18mm?  Most likely 15mm?


    At the last recorded picture it was 23K+ hours of operation, or 6.3 years if left on 10 hours a day, or 7.9 years if left on 8 hours a day.


    Obviously the Neon started out 5 to 46 times brighter over the LED Neon (on a 30 ma system)


    You can share these with him.


    If you scan left to right you'll see some vendors/products were replaced, because they degraded so quickly, the Sloan barely has a pulse.  The Sloan & GE rigid have lasted because their in a pipe, and it's low wattage low light output so we can expect those to last BUT, the trade off is for long life, low light.


    If you look closely you can see the individual break down of the diodes trapped in the silicone/gel flexi.


    With case history we know Neon has a gradual degradation curve in light, LED, is unpredictable and on a chart, up and down, fast hard tangents.  In the first couple thousand hours Neon will take a lumen maintenance of 10 to 18% in loss then slowly drop down( Hg/Argon fill), Clear red will not ans is not affected by ambient temperatures because it's just glass and gas with no mercury to condense up in the cold.


    For power, Colored Hg/Argon Neon 15mm is 3 watts per foot, 2.5 for 18mm.  Rigid LED is about 2.5 watts per foot too.  So there is no savings to be made UNLESS the Neon system is on a 60ma then you just double it. BUT let's just say you have a parameter of 100 liner foot.




    100' x 3w =300w  300w x 8 hours x 365 days x .18 kwh /1000 power (C&C) = $157.68 annual cost of operation if left on 8 hours a day, double that if 60ma, less if the dimeter of the tube is 18mm



    LED Tubing

    100' x 2.5w = 250w x 8 hrs x 365 days x .18kwh /1050 (Electronic) = $125.14  Annual cost of operation, but see all above for pro's and cons


    $157.68 - $125.14 / $157.68 = 20% saving in cost of operation using LED



    Neon 15mm 167 Foot Candles

    GE Contour 27 Foot Candles


    167 - 27 / 167 = 83% more light using Neon




    ON your ROI, that is yet to be determined but you know the cost of operation savings


    Cost of LED Material  + Labor = Job Cost / 20% savings ($32.54)  = years of ROI, in most cases it's 20 to 40 years BUT will you need to re-retrofit the LED as seen above?



    Here are some Border Tube Diagrams that I dug up from the Neon Installation Guide, a great reference


    Neon Midpoint Wiring Method.jpg


    Neon Virtual Wiring Method.jpg


    Conventional = BAD

    Virtual= Good




    How many linear feet are is mama working with??  We can break it all down here if you want for shits and giggles :P


    To me, already knowing how to work with Neon you'll bring more money home IMO on the labor, rerouting runs, better tranny placement adding better low cost components like Silicone GTO & Caps etc, and it will be MUCH brighter even with new glass than paying than the big upfront cost of just buying the LEDs itself (paying a dist)


    Also, you can get 60' of Neon on one Transformer and only about 30' of LED on a single power supply depending on the type etc, maybe even more.  So less Power supply placement with neon (Labor)


    Things change of course with costs but looking back based on 500', just lamps, Neon came to $2,250, GE $27,340, Sloan Flexi $21,250



    Had the flu, so haven't been able to get this done until today.    I have attached a semi layout (all I felt like doing today hahaha) of the linear feet for one of these restaurants.   536 total linear feet for the building.  It is in double rows all the way around and 3 sections of straight neon straight up the 4 corners from ground to roof.  Need a few giggles like you offered!!  LOL

    Checkers Linear Feet.pdf

  14. 5 minutes ago, rickcurtis said:

    It's been just over a year since we installed the first ones. It looks the same as the day we put it up.


    That's really good to know.  Typically within a year on most I have seen, you can already tell a difference.    Do you know if they supply samples?  I would like to test it here at the shop for a bit before I install anywhere.

  15. On 2/9/2017 at 11:59 AM, rickcurtis said:

    We started using Birddog Distributing LED strip neon. There are two types...thick for large signs (LED neon rope), and thin (LED strip neon http://www.birddogdistributing.com/Brilliant-120-Volt-SMD-LED-Neon-Strip-Light-148-Feet.html ) for tight radii. Very reasonable pricing and our customers are happy. Customer service is great and they can answer all technical questions. Spent a lot of time on the phone with them first time around.



    Have you had any issues with degradation?  If so, how fast and how much?  

  16. Hahaha - You would be surprised how often I hear "is there somebody else there I can talk to?"   My husband gets on the phone and tells them the EXACT same thing I just told them (him) and they say "okay".  I think it must be my southern accent.  LOL .....


    WOW - seeing that in color REALLY makes my decision for me.  I am not going to sell this guy something that he is going to look at me in a year and wonder why it looks so bad.  Just not going to do it.  Because when it goes South he won't remember all of  the conversations we have had about it not being a good idea to change it out.  He will just insist that I fix it.  Given the costs I have already gotten for the LED (not including labor), not going to eat it, that's for sure - and that's what he would expect me to do.


    The install there currently is a REALLY BAD version of the conventional shown above.  They have entirely too many feet per transformer for starters is the main thing we have found - but I believe it is 18mm glass.  I will have to pull the work folder and look at the survey.  I am currently working on the diagrams to get the EXACT linear feet drawn out - been using "close" numbers up to this point just for pricing sake.  I will send you one when I finish it and that way we can compare real world instead of hypotheticals just for shits and giggles.  hahaha


    I SO appreciate you sending this to me - hopefully it will be enough to convince him to stay with the neon.




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