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Posts posted by tdewitt

  1. Ordered Sunbrella awning material on 2/14 one large piece that had to be seemed and another that was one piece. Communication during the ordering process was good, once the order was made I didn't hear from them until I called to ask where in the hell it was 2 1/2 weeks later. I received it about 4 days after that. Then I find that they dropped the ball and didn't ship the staple cover.

    I just got off the phone with them and got the ol' Oh yeah it shipped......No email or call to let me know it shipped...I guess I was just supposed to know.brickwall.gif

    I hate people that dick with my time and money!

    • Like 1
  2. What are you out? I guess my agent charges me 25.00 to add as an additional insured but its not like they can claim on your policy if you are not doing work for them. So I don't know where the free insurance comes in there. (just got off the phone with my wife who is a Commercial lines insurance underwriter for a rather large company.)

  3. I was storing them in the lockable boxes but got tired of digging them out every time, so I built a rack to wrap them around. They cut the quick disconnects off the one and unbolted the quick disconnects from the welder on the other. Stupid F@#$ers!

    Any photos of your set up would be appreciated.

  4. 100' of welding leads stolen off the truck sometime last week. I know I shouldn't have left 100' of 3/0 copper cable where anybody could get a hold of it but still.

    So how do you store/secure your welding cables and torch bottles on your trucks?

  5. When looking for a sign crane, I had several opportunity's to purchase 85 foot skyhooks on 95 to 2001 chassis for in the mid teens. If it has a man basket with controls at the basket then it's probably worth a little more but not much, It's getting harder and harder to get parts for also. The Radocy should bring 30 if the chassis and the crane are in great shape otherwise 22,5 to 25.

    Just my .02

  6. Yes the tank is for hydraulic fluid. I need to get the rest of the vinyl lettering done. I will post another pic when done. She's been working like a dog since the day I picked her up.

    Thank you Elliott for building such quality machines that you can purchase one several years down the line and still have a solid machine. (I know that the user has to take care of it also)

  7. I don't really think it's the lamps per-say they were going after. I think the real target is the Ballast used to run the lamps. You can't tell me that these little electronic ballast consume as much energy at those 85 pound magnetic ballast did. I recently went into an old store that was purchased for a temp location for a drug store while the other one is being built. They called and said that they had LOTS of lights out. I went in there to survey and found them all to be F96T12 single pin lamp fixtures. We decided to go two directions.

    Since Phillips has designed an F96T12/CW/Supreme lamp that will meet government standards we decided to use that lamp where the ballast was OK but the lamps were out. Where the ballast were bad we converted them to T8 ballast and lamps. These were the fixtures that line voltage went to one end of the lamp and then to the ballast. So when I went to replace the ballast I quickly found out why the ballast went bad. Another company had been in there and must of sent one of their FNG's or just a complete dipshit because the fixture had already been converted to the new T8 ballast but had been wired incorrectly with line voltage going to the secondary side of the ballast causing it to catch fire inside the fixture! How it didn't trip breakers I will never know. but it was also left with T12 lamps. Ended up being a hell of a gold mine for me......17 fixtures out. Replaced 10 ballast and lamps with the remaining being just lamps.

  8. Has anyone else noticed Wensco and N.Glantz slipping lately? Last two weeks I have had orders screwed up! between not being delivered and having to call them to find out where its at, and not having common supplies in stock this crap is getting old. I would much rather do business locally but we don't have many options in my area, definitely no one stop shops.

  9. I'm sorry to make this statement and many of you might not believe this but I have friends that are doctors and I'll share a little of what theses guys do. I'm not saying they aren't helping people and that they aren't good at their professions but there is a system to their profession and these guys play it very well. They refer patients with good health insurance to each other probably five to ten times a day, then pay each other in CASH for the referral. One owns a lab that does blood work, MRI's, every type of test you can imagine. This guy drives around all day with a briefcase full of cash in his trunk going from doctor to doctor paying for referrals. Now, this same Lab charges your insurance company $1200.00 for an "open MRI". If you walk in with no insurance, they'll do it for $400.00 cash. It's similar to the housing market 5 years ago....it has to explode pretty soon because each day it gets worse and worse. Drug companies pay Doctors cash to prescribe medications all day, every day! Medication that you may or may not need. Medication that probably won't hurt you, but might not be helping anything either. Doctors will always make very good money compared to the income of the area they live so I don't believe young people will ever be deterred from being a doctor for this reason. This can be seen in other countries that have similar systems in place. And if a young person wants to become a doctor just for the money, he should go into law instead, that's more of a lawyer mentality. People that choose to help people shouldn't be that concerned about the money....that's the problem right now. And old doctors that aren't happy with what may happen to their industry are always going to hate the idea. Old people hate change, that's why young people were invented. To make changes that improve things! Hopefully! Watch "Sicko"....Michael Moore 2007.

    If you believe a damn thing that Michael Moore has to say then I feel for you. He's kinda like the Glenn Beck of the Libs if ya know what I mean.

  10. Specifically number 3 of this article.


    This article


    I could keep going all day but I'm sure you get the point. And by the way....notice that most of these articles call it OBAMACARE.

    Not all the details are in but my wife carries my health insurance through her employer. their new plans rolling out soon will not have the traditional "employee/family coverage" but will be replaced as "employee/spouse/dependents" and will carry a significant up charge for the spouse. Like I said, I'm not sure how it will all lay out but I don't see it being in our favor.

    Blue Cross Blue Shield of Iowa is also going back to the state to try to get ANOTHER rate increase approved....13.4%, this is the 4 time in as many years that they have done this for increases over the 10% mark.

    I don't think there is anyone on here that really thinks this will be free to anyone besides the ones at the very bottom. I don't disagree with the need of health coverage but I don't believe that I should be held responsible to pay for others to the point that I can no longer afford to live comfortably. What this is all boiling down to is, eventually it will NOT work and the government know it, at that point in time it will just "roll over" to a single payer system similar to the systems over seas.

    My wifes company provides my insurance as well, and every six months it gets changed based on how much more her employer can save.

    Blue Cross has been raising their rates twice a month for 15 years. Back in the ninteys if you had a claim they'd either drop you, or raise your rates so much that you'd find another carrier. I'm a little confused with your comments because you explain exactly why we need a new system, then you say you don't want it.

    This is the reason for "Obamacare"....You know when the insurance companies spend billions to block it, it's because they won't be able to continue to be the wealthiest industry in the country by charging huge premiums and denying claims.

    You already pay for people that don't have insurance! Blue Cross just raises the rates of people that pay to cover the people that don't. A new system will help to stop this process.

    My new plan though will be to just hop down to my county hospital and get the free health care that until yesterday I knew nothing about.

    Let me illustrate this whole Healthcare scenario like this. It really is a Macroeconomic Problem.

    1. If you believe that Healthcare is a business that is part of an industry, then the current system is working just fine. The sole purpose of a corporation is to make as much profit legally and huamnly possible for shareholders. So, if you can maximize premiums, reduce benefits, use any excuse to throw off undesirable policyholders and basically not worry about the actual health of the patient but rather the health of the corporation, leave healthcare alone. It is working perfectly and the insurers are making fantastic profits even if patients are suffering.

    2. If you believe that Healthcare is a basic human right in our country and should model itself after the European or other countries, then the system is not working fine. People have been experiencing policy hikes for years, been facing being thrown off the policy for actually having to use it, pre-existing conditions, etc. If you are in this group who believe everybody should have healthcare and not face bankrupcy if you get sick, then the system is not working for you. If you compare the administrative costs for the VA as opposed to private care you find that the VA is at about 2% while in the private sector it runs at about 30%. IE 98% of dollars at the VA go to patient care while only 70% traditionally go to patient care in the private sector. The 30% goes to the shareholders, executives, etc.

    Which is better or which was addressed by the current mood of the country, I don't have the answer. Which is best? I have my ideas but each of us will have to answer that for ourselves. I believe I know which way the country is moving after the election and personally believe that Healthcare is going to go "Single Payer". It is trending in this direction.

    So ask the Macro question first, "Is healthcare a business or a human right" ? The answer to this will then illuminate the path on a Microeconomic basis and should start to yield clarity to you.

    Best to all

    I meant "twice a year"....not "twice a month".

    I hate to agree with you Snoochie for fear of you being despised by proxy, but......................"what she said!

    Isn't Snoochie a Guy??? Profile says Gender = Male

    You two are missing the main point of my comment...to the point that I can no longer afford to live comfortably. I know that I have been paying for other people's health care, beer, smokes, cell phones, houses, cars, and food for decades! But I know that with the new LAWS kicking into gear I will have to send more of my money that I had plans for (like my kids college fund) to people that will miss use it and have shown that they will miss use it for decades! Don't give me any of that BS about the guy working 2 jobs to pay for his way and still not able to afford health insurance for his family, there are programs already in place that help people in that scenario and it is run by the states. Ours in Iowa is called HAWKEYE it is just a co-op set up through the state to assist in providing health care coverage.

    If you really want to gut the cost of health care and get it so everyone can afford it you take away the federal law that says insurance providers cannot cross state lines! Just like if the federal government made a law today that said sign companies could not cross state lines....Hell no nationals coming in and undercutting me and I only had to deal with the other locals bidding against me. HELL YEAH BRING IT ON!

  11. Specifically number 3 of this article.


    This article


    I could keep going all day but I'm sure you get the point. And by the way....notice that most of these articles call it OBAMACARE.

    Not all the details are in but my wife carries my health insurance through her employer. their new plans rolling out soon will not have the traditional "employee/family coverage" but will be replaced as "employee/spouse/dependents" and will carry a significant up charge for the spouse. Like I said, I'm not sure how it will all lay out but I don't see it being in our favor.

    Blue Cross Blue Shield of Iowa is also going back to the state to try to get ANOTHER rate increase approved....13.4%, this is the 4 time in as many years that they have done this for increases over the 10% mark.

    I don't think there is anyone on here that really thinks this will be free to anyone besides the ones at the very bottom. I don't disagree with the need of health coverage but I don't believe that I should be held responsible to pay for others to the point that I can no longer afford to live comfortably. What this is all boiling down to is, eventually it will NOT work and the government know it, at that point in time it will just "roll over" to a single payer system similar to the systems over seas.

  12. I have changed out tons of their lamps in my customers locations for my company and the company that I worked for before starting my own, they basically just make sales on the unknowing store owner/manager that is looking to save money by having a lamp that they will not have to change for 10 YEARS!!! I have not had any experience with their ballast though.

  13. How many of your local school districts offer entry level trade classes on campus? I was fortunate enough to go to our school district when the offered woodworking and automotive, they however had dropped welding 2 years before I was eligible to take it. Then 1 year after I graduated they dropped woodworking and automotive. Said it was much less expensive to operate with out these classes. Now if you were to walk through that school and ask any of the kiddos what a circular saw was they tell you it was a saw used to cut circles DUH! Like totally!

    So this is where we need to start in my opinion, get some trades back in our schools. Then our kids will be at least able to change their own engine oil and fix the front door when the thing is sticking because the mexicans that laid the foundation used shotty practices and now the house is settling!

    • Like 1
  14. I have never delt with the Marcums nor would I wish too after reading the stuff posted on here.

    As for the SX70 I am open to looking at all options. Let me know when you have more details.

    By the way I can't believe that this site isn't blowing up with traffic and people posting. Any time that I get a call from a new national I usally have them pulled up on here before I hang up the phone. And I reccommend this site to ALL of my local shops to do the same.

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  15. Figured this would get more traffic here than in the classifieds.

    I am in the market for a sign crane 50 to 65 foot 5900# crane prefer with welder but not a must.

    Let me know if you have anything or know anybody that does.

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