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Posts posted by HansonSigns

  1. If it's a "conditional" waiver, it means that you are waiving any right to lien the property for non payment only if they don't pay you. Usually after the work is finished and PAID the customer will request a non conditional waiver, meaning you waive all rights ('cause you were already paid). Never EVER sign one before you are paid and the check clears! If they want one before the work is done, walk away.

  2. Let's see... a business owner using a shocking image to promote his product.....this is not a new idea. I'm not really insulted as a woman, maybe just a little offended that he had to use a woman in the picture (why not HIS photo?), and just plain amazed that he thought this was a good idea. That's the best he came up with? I sincerely doubt he was promoting violence against women, but this kind of crosses a line.

    As to the use of the cartoon - let's face it, when this cartoon was on it was about the hero saving the damsel in distress more than the evil guy practicing violence (at least that's what I remember). I could never figure out why he tied her up on a railroad track anyway...

    The market sign is not offensive, though the teenager in me giggled.

    It's all about perspective, isn't it?

  3. Thanks for the info - it really is an sx60. My boss talked to several people at the crane center about getting specs and got no where. Yesterday afternoon I emailed Rory at Chris Crane and he is looking for one for me - or at least going to send me the sketch so we can print one ourselves. Thanks for taking the time to reply to this topic for me!

  4. Family owned business in Kitsap County WA seeking experienced lighting technician. Must have valid Washington State journeymans electrical license and valid WA drivers license. Drug Free work environment. Paid Vacation, medical and dental. Salary DOE.

  5. Since our insurance coverage cost is on a sliding scale, the older we get, the more expensive it is. Who can afford to hire an experienced worker with the coverage like that? for medical for our 11 people (boss included) we pay $4000 PER MONTH! If the potus wanted to work on health care, why didn't he start with the insurance companies? Oh, did they help get him elected?

  6. One of our installers smokes, but since the other installer does not, the smoker doesn't smoke around him. Now the cell phone thing - that drives me crazy. We provide cell phones for our installers, and they don't abuse it too much. If you have a no personal calls/texts/emails rule at work, how do you enforce it? In the shop it's easy, but when they are out on the road/at a job site....

  7. A few of our guys smoke, but they carry a sealed ashtray (i.e. empty snapple bottle) for the butts. No smoking on jobsites or in the building. A worker worth his salt only smokes on a break (or in the basket a zillion feet in the air) and not while working.

    Paul, while I agree with you about not leaving butts around and smoking while working, the kill yourself on your own time comment really stings. Our long time service tech had to retire last October due to terminal lung cancer. He smoked - alot - but also served in Viet Nam. Who's to say how the cancer started?

  8. This wasn't an attack, it was a legitimate blog on a legitimate topic! We had a local restaurant owner who folded his restaurant and shortly after was trying to sell us LEDs. My confidence level in him was not very high.

    Eric, you made great points. Good job!

  9. "When Monumental Contracting was installing the first unit, Fish Construction and Monumental exchanged communications about the units' stability and sought advice from KPS Group, the statement said.

    Brasfield & Gorrie received some, but not all, of those communications, according to the statement.

    "From the current information we have, it does not appear there was a definitive engineered enhancement reached to address the stability concerns," the statement said."

    Just finger pointing, no solving of the issue. Poor engineering plus an unconcerned contractor who installed it.

    We had a job recently to install a very tall video board (shipped in, not made by us). It was definately not stable after the complete install, so we removed it completely the same day. Fortunately, the company who shipped it paid us for the extra work and even apologized for it. Too bad all this didn't happen with that airport sign.

  10. I saw this tragic story Friday afternoon. One of the bystanders said it looked like the sign was installed with "Liquid Nails". Today the news said the airport removed a similary sign, so I found the photo. It does look like a freestanding sign, but shouldn't it have been secured to the wall? I feel so sorry for the family...


  11. Well, since it's crappy service topic, why don't they hand you your bag when you buy something (like at the drug store)? They leave it sitting there at the end of the checkout line and you have to reach across the counter for it. A petty annoyance, sure, but it seems kind of rude.

  12. We were slow in 2011, had a super great 2012, and this year.... I think we all expect to slow down, but we've been pretty busy so far.

    Interesting (and sad) how hard it is to find neon benders. We are lucky to have one nearby - I know a couple of companies in WA shipping neon to places in Oregon to get it repaired/remade.

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