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Posts posted by 4estsigns

  1. I was told (in person) by Jerry Daniel of the Electrical compliance of the State of Texas. That I could not sell, offer to sell, or advertise that I sell electrical signs without a Electrical Sign Contractors license or a electrical contractors license..

    Also was told that it is against code to install replacement pan or flat faces in a sign without the contractors license. The reason for this was that when you removed the face it was like opening and electrical enclosure and you were be exposed to the electrical components..

    Was also told on the phone that I could be fined for removing and old channel letter sign from a building that no electricity (no meter) for over a year.

  2. As the law is written now you can't even install a new sign face in an existing cabinet. So what happens to all the consumers of who doesn't have an Electrical sign contractor in there area.. They can't buy one from a sign shop but the can buy one from a Electrical Contractor (An Electrical Contractor can do anything a sign contractor can plus much more) when they realize this, are they all going to start selling signs because we can't?

    If you are installing a sign and you hire a welder he must at least have an apprentice electrician card, That's what they will ask for not his welding certificate

    This makes about as much sense as requiring a car salesman to be a certified ASE mechanic before he is allowed to sell cars. If I buy an UL approved sign cabinet install it and have an electrical contractor wire it what is the problem. I have insurance too cover an liability problems that might arise plus I live in a small town and bad service will usually take care of itself.

    I can also say that the Texas Sign Association does not speak for me or the majority of the sign shops in Texas. The will like always will come down to who has the most money and influence to throw around Austin. No matter what license you require there will always be somebody breaking them to make a quick dollar. We need to clean up the licensing law we have now and put more effort in enforcing them. As of about a year ago Texas only had 2 electrical inspectors for the whole state for all electrical laws not just signs. The county that I live in has fined 1 that shows up on the record for a least the last 5 years. Complaints are filed on a regular basis against electrical contractors and unlicensed electricians but they are never followed through with by the state because they don't have the resources.

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