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Everything posted by slavey

  1. RT @mohammedagbadi: Hallo again! I'm Mohammed Agbadi. i am an artist. i am Nigerian #WeAreNigerianCreatives https://t.co/8Fqvua2KcP

  2. @DRUDGE_REPORT All ANTIFA members have mental illness.

  3. @Avis @the_granners @thebradfordfile @blessed2bHis2 @CNN @FoxNews @foxandfriends My Constitution is more important… https://t.co/NPbJuq1wEC

  4. RT @TheLastRefuge2: 1. Watch this video. People don't understand how Broward County School Sheriff Officers operate. I'll explain. https:…

  5. @joelpollak An 18-year-old has the same right to own a rifle as a 50-year-old.

  6. @APWestRegion @AP Yet more evidence that California politicians don’t know how to “do taxes”.

  7. @illumina How long does it take to sequence a full genome?

  8. @BrynnHeart @Cernovich Do you feel the same way about your wife?

  9. RT @page88: The brave Parkland students are doing something astonishing. They are instantly preempting disinfo & gaslighting by posting tes…

  10. @CityofMonterey That is five words. ?

  11. @RealJamesWoods Which gay Olympian? ?

  12. RT @sdut: Saturday's launch of Falcon rocket could be visible from San Diego https://t.co/Grco8eDrBB https://t.co/obDVptQk65

  13. @MichaelSkolnik In other news, millions of AR-15s were not used to shoot anyone today.

  14. @News8 The only good monarch is a dead monarch.

  15. @Paleophile @Lisavipes But we have a plane that we don’t need. https://t.co/pdOaLlpctx

  16. @KevinBaird Is that an iceberg?

  17. @MILANIATRUMP @IvankaTrump @AstroPeggy Grow up and don’t be rude.

  18. RT @Amazing_Maps: River basins of the United States Source: https://t.co/pkJf3VK7V7 https://t.co/s6ed89LcoU

  19. RT @SpaceX: More photos from Falcon Heavy's first flight → https://t.co/095WHX44BX https://t.co/6vlXJoYif0

  20. RT @SpaceX: The first test flight of Falcon Heavy is targeted for Tuesday, Feb. 6th at 1:30 PM ET from Launch Complex 39A at Kennedy Space…

  21. @ScottAdamsSays I see your coffee and raise you one. https://t.co/Fd1k6P5MrW

  22. @yashar @Cernovich You could spend $0.10 and call another person from a booth

  23. RT @Eaglewoman4: As a Native American I just had an epiphany about undocumented DACA people. How big of a coronary would trump and ryan hav…

  24. RT @nova_road: My raw video of the #SpaceX Falcon Heavy static-fire at Kennedy Space Center. Come for the cloud plumes, stay for the sound.…

  25. Key Putin critic warns of xenophobic conspiracy theories drowning U.S. discourse and helping Trump https://t.co/IgbqUfe8nY by @ggreenwald

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