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Status Updates posted by slavey

  1. @WalshFreedom Calm down, McCarthy.

  2. @zochats What is the square root of 42?

  3. Happy Birthday, @CollinSlavey https://t.co/Co5aNBxtPM

  4. @Slate Slate posts their MAGA hat story for the 100th time and, still, no one cares.

  5. @CaptianRobert Chillin’. https://t.co/YoeyKl6onm

  6. @itstimesandiego Oh, so scary!

  7. @emily_lip @dellcam What color are puppy eggs?

  8. @TerryMcAuliffe https://t.co/qkfcFhcfsr

  9. @TIME Who cares? We were done with royals in 1776.

  10. RT @HistoryToLearn: 33 Chilling Mugshots Of Decades Past https://t.co/sdxmKcJq6g

  11. RT @RyanAFournier: FYI the only reason you’re celebrating the 4th of July is because citizens were armed.

  12. RT @SD_Comic_Con: This is a good time to remind you: Don't be a jerk. If there's a signing that you're truly not interested in, maybe don't…

  13. @DelapierceD @OccupyOakland Did things stay peaceful today?

  14. @Smoke52865811 Happy to know I put a smile on your face. ?

  15. @bingtingnow The arms of a T-Rex could reach all Bing fans in the world. ?

  16. @AP News sure does change quickly these days.

  17. RT @MeghanMcCain: This is absolutely insane - and extremely dangerous. My father in law works in the administration, does this mean when we…

  18. @TheRealBuzz I’ll bet @elonmusk can.

  19. @thucydiplease Now do 10% property tax, 8% sales tax, this tax and that tax which cause building costs to increase,… https://t.co/Hh51SL30b6

  20. @robert_zubrin @elonmusk @vplikeTRUMP @jorendewachter @xJawz @joerogan @MazzucatoM Data point of one,… https://t.co/1HWu1uNtyG

  21. RT @DocBastard: 1) No they don’t. 2) No they don’t. 3) Yes they can. 4) No, they reduce SIDS by 50%. 5) No they don’t. 6) No they fucking d…

  22. @SarcasticRover You need a bath.

  23. RT @elonmusk: Those who proclaim themselves “socialists” are usually depressing, have no sense of humor & attended an expensive college. Fa…

  24. @reason Why is this not a 9-0 decision?

  25. @HumanVerry @HistoryToLearn The water will turn purple if you do.

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