Right now the LED / lighting market, where it pertains to the sign industry, involve mostly illumination of exterior signage. Box signs, channel / can lettering, racetrack illumination is the easiest and most accessible foothold into the sign industry that lighting has historically had. Lighting for interior signage was few and far between because of the size, power and heat requirements of older lighting techniques were not really appropriate for most interior signage or sign packages. LED’s have changed everything, including the accessibility for the lighting industry in the interior signage and awards market.
I have 15 years in interior signage (division 10 / ADA federally regulated / Braille & way finding) and small monuments. I owned my own commercial sign shop for many years before selling right before the economy/building crash. I went to work for a large international exterior sign company and creating from the ground up a full functional division to produce interior signage that allowed us to offer full sign packages for some of the largest fortune 500 companies in the world. Our polymer division was the first ever to produce braille packages in China. This was all occurring at the beginning of the LED explosion into the sign market. During this time I developed a marketing plan for several systems that combined my new LED knowledge with my manufacturing and sales knowledge of the interior division 10/ ADA sign market. At the time, the company decided not to invest in this “new” technology and being a sign company instead of a lighting company, felt the direction I wanted to go in was too far outside their business scope.
Five years later, I feel my industry is overdue for a standard for lite interior signage. I’m now seeking a full time position with a company that wants to be that standard and supply bracket and lighting hardware to the interior sign manufacturing industry. The company I seek does not want to be the artist; they want to be the canvas seller. They want to sell wholesale direct to the largest interior sign producers and suppliers in the country. To be cost effective, I believe the company I seek is already sourcing direct from LED manufactures overseas.
Thank You for your time, Please contact me if you are interested in a copy of my resume or a more in-depth conversation.