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Does anyone have any experience with this type of rotating system? The points seem to work but the sign is locked in one position and will not turn. We loosened the 4 bolts at the base (Marked in Yellow) and that freed up the motor and gear box but the cabinet is still stuck. Any help would be appreciated!!
Hello All, I'm putting together a proposal for a set of face lit (led) channel letters, mounted to a raceway. The customer has a cycling fitness business, and two of the "O's" in the name are also wheels. Her website has these wheels spinning and now I am looking into adding this feature into her sign. The permitting office said that they're ok with it rotating, it just can't be very fast. I have never done anything moving before, and my vendor referred me to a company that mainly dealt with rotating displays. It is a white circle w/ black spokes and a black outline w/ a stationary 'fleur de lis' symbol in the center. The black spokes rotate clockwise on the white background. I'm thinking about basically making a channel letter that has two faces - the internal face will be attached to a rotating device and will be the only moving component. It will most likely be 1/8" or 3/16" white plastic w/ black vinyl applied to the surface for the 'spokes' on the wheel and it will have a diameter @ App. 29.25". The can will be app. 30" (or slightly larger than the white plastic face) and will have a clear plastic face w/ 1" (or 2") Jewelite. On the clear face I will apply the vinyl decal of the Fleur de Lis, which will remain stationary and cover how the white plastic face attaches to the shaft, or whatever it will be. I'm thinking that the clear face will also protect the rotating face from wind load that may cause stress on whatever motor or device I use. It doesn't seem like the white rotating faces would weigh more than a few lbs. Does anyone have any tricks up their sleeves when it comes to doing this, or know of a company that could give technical advice? I found one company, but the cost of the motors was more than the cost of the entire sign. One tip that I heard from an older sign guy was using a motor from a ice cream maker. I don't know about that, but I did think about the motor used for the Waiver Mannequins. They seem to do ok outdoors, but I don't know about continuous use. I would set it up inside the raceway, and maybe have to make a box around it to further protect if from the weather. I have attached a file to help illustrate what I'm trying to do. Any help or suggestions will be greatly appreciated. I do apologize for how long this is, but wanted to try to be thorough. Thank you for your time, 228SignGuySign Guys - Cycology Store Front Sign Proof - 4-9-15.pdfSign Guys - Cycology Wheel Details - 4-9-15.pdf