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The Chelsea Property Group wants your services & products for free



I need to be in contact with someone at The Chelsea Property Group and Simon Mall regarding the treatment of my company and many others regarding the Jersey Shore Outlets. We are one of the companies who made this project happen, yet we can’t seem to get paid. We completed our portion of work 11/12/08 working around the clock to make sure the outlets opened on time. We are still owed almost $27,000 since that time. There are approximately eight other sign vendors that I know of in the same position, some are owed almost $200,000. We were all originally hired by the 3d Group in Tampa, Fl, who was hired by Chelsea. They have since filed Chapter 7 on 3/5/09 due to non-payment. I have spoken to Charlie Mannino, a representative of Chelsea, who has absolutely no answer for me. He says to contact 3d’s lawyer. Since Chelsea has not paid 3d the balance owed, what would that do? Nobody cares if the small businesses go under. Now they don’t have to be paid. The only one who cared at the time was Larry Parr who guaranteed we would be paid and from what I understand he is no longer with Chelsea. I would really appreciate it if some representative of Simon or Chelsea who cares, to contact me, if there is that type of person at your organizations.


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Have you tried or looked into liens?

we are all way past the lien stage. we are all small companies up against 2 very large corps

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Even though the time for liens has come and gone, filing one will still cloud their title and they will have to prove that the lien is invalid.

We also created a "repo" letter that we use when were not paid. We simply remove the sign, post the letter with the invoices for the primary balance, interest due, the cost for removal and the terms to re-install the sign.

Most people are not aware of the laws regarding signs and their attachment to the building and everyone assumes that since they are lease hold improvements they can not be removed if you are not paid.

This is not entirely factual. Furthermore, if you remove the sign, they can not have you arrested, they need to file a civil suit. Imagine how it would look at any stage of a suit that you have unpaid invoices and removed the signs since they weren't paid for?

No one wants to sue or be sued, so use this to your advantage to get paid. They are a bog company and think they can force you to suck wind on your money.

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Get all the sub contractors in a meeting, ask that thier friends and family can donate a couple hours of thier time one saturday afternoon....pickett the facilities...UNFAIR in big bold letters on the sidewalk will make people notice.

This is still america....the 1st ammendment of free speach has its way of working miracles...when some 15,000 cars drive by and see that the property owners condone such practice...and if you can mention which particular signage your still owed on, ie a retail store "Sears" maybe thay will put pressure onj them to settle up the bill....

I have been stuck out to dry on a couple jobs in the past....it stings, and as much as i would like to say you will forget about it....fact is you wont...learn from it....who says the sign business should be 50% down and 50% on compeletion....next time get 100% down with one easy payment at the end 0!

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Get all the sub contractors in a meeting, ask that thier friends and family can donate a couple hours of thier time one saturday afternoon....pickett the facilities...UNFAIR in big bold letters on the sidewalk will make people notice.

This is still america....the 1st ammendment of free speach has its way of working miracles...when some 15,000 cars drive by and see that the property owners condone such practice...and if you can mention which particular signage your still owed on, ie a retail store "Sears" maybe thay will put pressure onj them to settle up the bill....

I have been stuck out to dry on a couple jobs in the past....it stings, and as much as i would like to say you will forget about it....fact is you wont...learn from it....who says the sign business should be 50% down and 50% on compeletion....next time get 100% down with one easy payment at the end 0!

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Get all the sub contractors in a meeting, ask that thier friends and family can donate a couple hours of thier time one saturday afternoon....pickett the facilities...UNFAIR in big bold letters on the sidewalk will make people notice.

This is still america....the 1st ammendment of free speach has its way of working miracles...when some 15,000 cars drive by and see that the property owners condone such practice...and if you can mention which particular signage your still owed on, ie a retail store "Sears" maybe thay will put pressure onj them to settle up the bill....

I have been stuck out to dry on a couple jobs in the past....it stings, and as much as i would like to say you will forget about it....fact is you wont...learn from it....who says the sign business should be 50% down and 50% on compeletion....next time get 100% down with one easy payment at the end 0!

unfortunately, that job was in NJ and we are located in Tampa, Fl. It would have been a good idea though. I tried to get the local union to picket them

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Go to site, start letting all the managers at the stores know that there sign is going to be removed "next week" due to lack of payment. Trust me they will be on the phone with head office, who will contact the sign co. I've only had to do this once, I had a cheque in 45 minutes

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Techinally, those are YOUR parts and materials until paid in full. I've had customers in the past that tried to pull that s- - -t with me. So, I went to the rear of the building, pulled all in line fuses to the building Signage, removed the transformers from wherever possible (most were in the canta-level they were easy to get to), opened up transformer cans-cut & capped off the primary wires, removed faces & neon from ALL Pan-channel letters, pulled FACES from Pylon Signs. We did this all Saturaday night into Sunday morning. The Police stopped once. I showed them my (old) permit and lied to them; told them the colors were wrong & we need to removed them so we could install the correct ones on Tuesday. On Monday morning, my phone was ringing non-stop from the contractor who NOW claims he's got my money. Long story short. We got paid (in advance, with cash) to re-install, MY PARTS & MATERIALS, charged 25% late & hassle Fee and charged them to re-install required parts & materials. He tried taking me to court but under Colorado lawhe was found guilty of fraud, thieft and a whole host of other fines & jail time. Now most states have this law. Your attorney will not tell you, cause he wants to make money off you. It's for you to find out and it's real easy, look it up on the internet.

If that story didn't impress you, then listen to this one. There was an old classic neon sign in Denver and the owner contacted me to re-vamp the entire sign; from new wiring, neon, painting, the whole works. When we got done I was damn proud of it. I received alot of "at a boys" from the other sign companies but the owner kept dodging me about paying the balance; which was a lot sum of money. This went on for 6 months. So, me and the guys went out there early one morning and cut (almost) loose the the "I" beams holding up this 60' sign. We rigged a sigle guy wire that kept the sign from falling over into his parking lot. We then put up cones, yellow tap and instructed people that rear parking lot was closed for tghe day. needless to say the owner came out (along with the police) and the owner refused to pay the balance. I was standing there listening to all this B.S. coming out of the owners mouth. Something happened inside of me. I sparked on my torch. Yelled out "You don't want to pay. . . then watch this!" I cut free the guy wires then turned off the tanks. I began yelling "Run. . .Run, Run, Ruuuunnn." This sign came down exactly where I wanted to. Right in the middle of his parking lot. Now, it was a very hot day in Denver. The middle of summer and the parking lot was made out of asphalt. The sign sunck in 5-6' in some areas. I stood there, my attorney showed that paperwork that I owned most of the sign and can do whatever I wish to my parts & materials.

It goes without saying NO-ONE cheats me out of money. Besides, if they would have arrested me, bond is not that much. They let me go on my attorneys personal word that I would not skip town. When theres tens of thousands of dollars at stake (1970-80's thousands- equal to half to million dollars in todays money) I not going to play nice. Again, nothing happened to me. I can't say the say about the owner.

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