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I was contacted by Thinksign recently and low and behold a couple weeks later a client wanted a LED reader board. Now I am a neon guy and do not know much about LED reader boards, I told the client this but they stated that since I am doing the rest of the retro I might as well price out the reader board.
Has anyone had any dealings with Thinksign ? Are their boards good quality ?
Glad to hear that they are cracking down on some of these big companies that say they know how to install neon.They are a couple around here that will argue you blue in the face that wet location end caps are not needed.Will not put caps on PK housings and have even zip tied GTO returns to primary wire runs.I am so tired of be called to do repair jobs only to find out that it could have been avoided if these unscrupulous companies had only followed code.They do this because of few reason ,they h
As some of you know I have been working on a neon rocket,well here is a new twist that I am not sure I have the answer too.The rocket is to be mounted on a trailer so that it can be displayed at different events.they also want to be able to pull the trailer in parades with the neon lit.The neon,drive motor(the rocket rotates)and the hydraulic pump(the rocket will raise and lower)are to be run off of a electric generator that is also mounted to the trailer..How do I safely ground the transformers
I have recently been asked to help restore a 1950S roadside attraction rocket that has neon lettering and border on it.As part of the research effort in to this project I have been looking for other similar "rockets".If anyone knows were I can find pictures of them please let me know.