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Platform sway

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Hey guys i have l60 bucket truck that have an excessive sway at platform. The guys at terex dealer told me its probably bushing problem... Anyone had similar problem? And where to get the parts?

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is it coming from the swing rotation at the base or the in the tube? if in the tube it is likey a worn pad if at the base its a rotator gear

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It's from the tube not from base... They told me to undo the pins and replace the bushings but I want to know how hard the job is first/get the parts before I start. Seemed like a common problem.

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I assume its an Elliott L60. If it is ,it is pretty common as time goes on, the bushings on the small cylinders that rotate the bucket are worn. I guess from travelling down the road the bounce adds to the wear. If it was coming from the turret, if excesive I would be concerne.\


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Sway. That's side to side right?

Versus yaw or pitch?

Can you describe when you notice it the most? And at which component it seems to occour?

Jeffrey Atkins

BIK Boom Trucks

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It is side to side. It looks like it's from the bushings or the pin cover thing that's held on by nuts and lock washers, probably the bottom plate of the two. It has to be common because the platform bushings gets lots of abused as the truck is driven. Mine is a bit excessive... too much to pass boom inspection.

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