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What is the worst thing that has happened to you because you screwed up a job? or did not know what the hell you were doing?

• Law suit

• Do job over

• lost your ass

• lost customer(s)

• Went out of business

• Got fired

Probably the worst thing that happened to me is when about 10 years ago we attempted to do our first large lexan sign 8'x32'. we did not even think how big that really was and so we had to borrow a truck from a garage door company just to get the lexan to the job site. We did not figure on the sign being that heavy either. You should have seen us, like ten of my friends and I like Monkeys on a garage door truck and 3 ladders trying to slide this frick'n lexan face into the can. Then we did not know to use a hanging bar so the face kept popping out every time a 5mph wind kicked up. To top it all off the sign had a big picture of a Piano on each side that the customer paid for and at the time large format printing was crazy expensive. I think it cost around $2,500 for the prints at the time, so if we biffed the prints I would have been out of business that day because I did not have the coin to cover that much at that time. That job was the job from hell for like 3 years untill we half ass fixed it with an ass tonne os screws.

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My worst from the last year was two sets of dimensional lettering (about $3000 worth) that I ordered wrong. I sent all the correct info to the manufacturer. Naturally they sent a proof sheet for me to sign off on. It looked good to me as the logo was to the proper specs. I should have looked at the rest because all the lettering was 1-1.5" taller which made everything longer. I was pissed off. We have used the manufacturing company for some time and have had no issues that I am aware of. When I called to discuss 'politely' why they changed things on me they said they took my drawing and blew it up to the specified logo size and scaled the rest off of that. Thankfully they didnt smart ass me and tell me I should have paid more attention to the proof (which I know I should have but it wouldnt have went over to well at that point). Some where along the lines the layout I was given to work from and the measurments I was told to get didnt add up. So had I paid more attention I most likely would have caught it. As it was the lettering ended up around $6000 plus the added labor to try to make the screwed up layout work.

Needless to say I felt like an ass. :crazy: I guess if you are going to mess up you may as well do it right and do it big. Right?


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In 13 years to date this is my only one, knock on wood :soopa:


See if you can find it from start to finish :tomato:

You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. - Winston Churchill

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In 13 years to date this is my only one, knock on wood :soopa:


See if you can find it from start to finish :tomato:

I can't believe I didn't catch the misspelling the first time you posted this Sign Guy.


I do it in the transformer box.


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I remember this. I remember thinking that I thought the lettering was to tight. Now I notice that 'InGold' has no or at least very little space. Might this be your one and only mess up? I might add I am inclined to think you are either full of shit or in denial to your mistakes.


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No. Let me "splain" to you, my customer wanted the lettering to be tight together, more so than default spacing to match a little of his old logo. The spacing is according to how he wanted it. Nice and tight, just the way I like it :mf_tongue:

Don't get me wrong there are times where i mispell simple little vinly lettering stuff like names or other verbage or forgetting to add lettering. But so far I've been lucky in anything that would make me lose money to fix or adjust. I think with more people in the work place the more chances mistakes can happen.

You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. - Winston Churchill

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Nice Spelling on the Jewelry sign

One time when I worked as Art Director at a corrugated packaging plant and I spelled the name of a city wrong on the side of a box. nobody bothered to check me because I was the boss. We ran 250,000 boxes wrong...Ooops! Good thing we had temp workers that could sticker like a mad man because I just made a $75,000 Boo Boo

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The worst that's ever happened to me was one of four falls that I've had in my career. Though, I didn't have to go to the hospital and went right back to work after the incident, it was scary indeed. I worked for a company that did a lot of billboards, mostly telephone pole types with 2x6 stringers, but occasionally H beam and angle iron stringers. This was in the days before sign guys even heard of harnesses and lanyards. I was learning to weld and was standing on a stringer welding the one above it when my first welds broke, sending me about 20'. I landed straddling a chain link fence. The only injury was a nice hole in my upper thigh. I didn't realize the scary part until that evening. Three inches more and I'd be singing soprano today. I didn't lose my ass, but I almost lost my gonads. :beat:


I do it in the transformer box.


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I'll bet you figured out your welding real quick after that.

My dad took about the same fall from a billboard ten years ago or so. Except he landed on a parking curb. His back isnt worth a crap now. Between this and abusing his body while younger he was forced into early retirement.


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To lose your gonads you might as well be dead :beat:

I don't know Sign Guy, I could've become a receiver.

Just kidding guys. Honest, I really was just kidding, really.......... honest.

Not that there's anything wrong with that! :gay:


I do it in the transformer box.


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