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Sign God

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Everything posted by Sign God

  1. I think that machine if I remember right is compareable to the Gerber Edge.
  2. Just lost 5 lbs in 2 weeks :drummer: :djbluey: :party3: :groupwave:
  3. Maybe the women at signforums didn't appreciate the pretty guurls :D btw signforums is probably the only forums out of sign101forums, here & letterville where you can't even post anything humorus without it getting deleted. I've had 3 moved & 3 deleted. To many old people there
  4. Just layed down huh? I bet it was an earthquake that shook the house.
  5. Pretty soon JetWen Will be in here asking "Where Letterville", How do I contact?". hehe Jet
  6. Read that Thread Sign Guy, pretty lame over there. Also read some of the other locked topics. Seems like people either forgot to, or need to take some meds. And, what the hell is OT? It's always on their topic names. I though you handled pretty well with it though. Seems like some of the members over there think they seem to be on a high tower or something, and can walk thru rain. I was going to post something but it seemd like it didn't need anymore gas to the fire
  7. was a good flick, I'm waiting for Star Wars & War of The Worlds!
  8. Okay could this be anymore boring? I actually fell with drool on the side of my cheek a 1/2 hour into. :mellow: Well maybe next year :unsure: Least my g/f stayed awake.
  9. :BewareSpam: WO0t! My first post!!! Now I need a pic :D
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