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Supp/Mfg./Whole/Assoc. II
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Everything posted by manuellynch

  1. Awesome feedback my friend. Funny on the China comment. DOnt you remember playing Light Saber Wars with T8 fluorescents when we were young? We are having a lot of the porn star variety martinis in town this weekend - city is busy.
  2. Just trying to see on a service call for neon - what % of the service call cost is in "removing and disposing of the neon" Thats all. Not against neon - just comparing time and cost versus LED - I believe that neon removal time would be quicker than LED - some of the LED tape sticks pretty good. But you do have to remove neon post rivets - so just comparing differences in time and disposal cost. And lastly - trying to see if a way could be developed to retrofit a letter where a person could spend less time on a ladder or in a bucket truck - would be much safer.
  3. Had an interesting conversation with a biochemist recently at recycling plant. Does anybody give me an idea how much it cost to dispose/properly recycle an 18" neon letter? And how the hell can you remove all that glass from a 5-7 letter sign, throw it in the back of your truck, and not have it break?
  4. Hmmm - sounds like this product running 12 hours a day will last about 1 year....I hope the sign company got the maintenance contract!!! Saw a proposal to use EL signage on the area of the countertop where you pick up your coffee at Starbucks - now that was clever - could change signage every few months. More practical application.
  5. What is your name and what accounts? How about Blair, Pattison, AGI, or Principle Group in Knoxville?
  6. Blair is much bigger than anyone even knows... they treat people very nicely as well.
  7. I heard that Coast Signs bombed the pricing and picked up the West Coast. Doesnt make much sense. RiteAids are closing down like crazy here in Las Vegas Coast Signs is on a DO NOT SELL TO list by several suppliers and distributors because they dont pay their bills Coast Signs is only working a 20 hour production work week these days - heard from a friend who works in same business complex that they work in Also heard that on other sign auctions that sign companies are taking sign prices ridiculously low...sounds like the market will implode even further and a lot of vendors and distributors will be screwed. Here is a toast to Pre-Pay Terms
  8. Turtles and Dogs...if you research a little further you will find that actually we make a lot of money of both of them. We sell a lot of products into Animal Shelters for lighting, signage, and skin care. We also sell a lot of Amber lights to hotels in Florida to meet new Turtle laws. It is fun to make money off something you enjoy doing. Dont get me started on my other passion - Gary Nutting on this board got an earful yesterday...has to do with disease, education, and women's rights in 3rd world countries.
  9. Does anybody know - would be really interested if anyone has any insight.
  10. Axiom has been told and been approached by a lot of major sign companies who let us know that our competitors (Sloan, GE, Permlight, Agilight, Electraled, etc) have told end customers that Axiom owns this website, THE SIGN SYNDICATE. That is absolute BS and is NOT true. Axiom, Manuel Lynch, any family member, any relative or any dog I have rescued or saved DOES NOT own this site. We support this site because we love the "grass roots" nature of the site that veers away from the large industry rags that will not touch some of these sensitive topics because they are afraid of losing an advertiser or two. We place ads on this site and have won a lot of business because people who have been successful with our products in both making good signs and in making more or saving more money in using our products. We use this portal because we have also determined that there are some really smart people out there who we can use as vendors to AXIOM in supporting some of our different markets. In fact, there are two companies on this board that make UL listed fixtures for AXIOM that are being installed in some very large football stadiums and in some very large USA government facilities. We think of THE SIGN SYNDICATE site as an extension resource of our company. Can anyone tell me where they work that they can walk down the hallway and get an answer to virtually any question they may have???? You cannot. So in recap - if anyone has told you that Axiom owns this site www.THESIGNSYNDICATE.com - that is an outright sleazy and cheap lie. In fact, the first time I ever met Erik (West Coast Sign) and his wife (Kgirl) was this past week at ISA. They own and run this site...and...should be really really proud of the work they do and the community they have created. Axiom does own www.SaveLasVegasDogs.com and www.AxiomLED.com and www.AxiomLED.co.nz (our New Zealand arm) There are countless people on this board that can and will confirm that AXIOM does not own this website....and please do. If anyone dares to speak up...please publicly post who has told them this BS. I heard this from Pattison Sign, the largest sign company in the world.
  11. Twins? Seriously? Wow we need to talk. Fernando (Permlight) my brother had twins, so did my sister, and so did my younger brother.... that is some serious work. Congrats. Now if Chubby is not referring to kid twins but to a lot of the "painted exposed twins"...then...it was interesting.
  12. I think Erik said it all perfectly. Thank your Erik for arranging the various events to come together. And for all those sign companies that asked...here is the answer.... I DO NOT OWN THIS SITE!!! I think everyone would be a lot more pleased if there was a few more people like Erik throughout the industry. Some comments: 1. Sean - you should get a job as stand up comedian. Thanks for helping the folks for the tips on cheating on fishing. 2. KGirl - good conversation about school - dont put up with that "crap" and congrats 3. Erik - good to hear you wanting to do Sign Syndicate meetings in San Diego - Stephanie and I will be in town in June. And congrats on 3! 4. Doug - thank you for making us laugh again and again. 5. Jim Richards - thank you for being the consummate educator. 6. Gary - thank you and your brother for coming - good man. 7. Garrett - you need to get out and share your knowledge more - you blow people away everytime you talk about what you know. 8. Chubby Gumpy - good to finally meet you - and thank you for talking to the other Indiana boys - helped a lot. 9. Brad Pride - I think Snake Babe really liked you...are it least she liked giving you Fellatio 10. Audie - Questions are great - never stop. Hope you enjoyed meeting FELATIO and Snake Babe Yes Doug - I am sure being that big would win over more women! And thank you Stephanie for pulling it altogether for the AXIOM party - a lot of people were very thankful for what you put together.
  13. Well our party is completely full - wow! We can no longer accept reservations because we may be booted out of the hotel. An email invitation is being sent to all those invited to come with more detailed instructions of how to get to the private INVITE-ONLY event. Looking forward to seeing you Friday night 7-10pm REMEMBER - YOU NEED YOUR CELL PHONE TO GET INTO THE PARTY
  14. The entertainment will be a little on the green side Dont forget to register - that is the only way you will be able to get into this exclusive party. http://www.axiomled.com/isa2009/
  15. Seems like this one would be easy for a lot of companies to take from Dualite since they use GE LED - prices are high and performance not so good.
  16. Will explain why over dinner....you will understand why. Call Stephanie to confirm 702-321-7428. Just make sure you make through the plane ride. I will be in New Zealand at our plant from now until April 15th - best to catch me via this board or via email.
  17. Ok - so for those who are joining our Thursday night dinner - Stephanie and I are buying dinner for all at Strip Steak at Mandalay. BUT - YOU HAVE TO CALL STEPHANIE at 702-321-7428 to confirm you are coming and joining us for Dinner. So far we have Erik and KGirl, Chubby and Wife, Sean from EGL, Marko, Gary Nuttig....if I missed anyone, please call Stephanie, aka Diamond Lil - she wont bite on Thursday night - looking forward to "showing" you her town. If Jim UL or Dan Nichia will be in town Thursday night - join us. Same for Brad Pride, Audie, Doug Blair - etc.
  18. Yes we do - our AXLE1WG65 - let me know if this will work for you: http://axiompowercorp.com/osc/product_info...?products_id=54
  19. Several sign companies on this board have used www.lumitext.com - they make letters that are 1/2" deep - very good work....and very inexpensive.
  20. Small LEDs are about 1/20th of the business - not our forte - so not avoiding Erik - just not what we do well.
  21. There are a few people on this board that know from experience that while a shallow channel letter might be appealing to a customer - you are going to have a whole set of other problems. 1. Shallow letters get hotter in high temp areas - shorten life of LEDs 2. Shallower letters are less forgiving of LED brightness reduction over time - you could wind up with "spotted" channel letters. In all the examples we did - several of us on this board - we agreed that 4" is the shallowest you really want to go - and actually sticking with 5" makes the world much easier in terms of long term maintenance etc. Also - for large sign companies - getting an aluminum coil cut to shallower depths is a pain in the butt unless it is very high volume.
  22. Here is McDonalds arches let with AXIOM's AXLE3 type White LEDs - the ones that are outperforming all others in the Great White contest.
  23. Setup the room for this event - we have over 55 people signed up already. Oh...and the entertainment...whoever comes will NOT forget this evening. Will be at the highest end suite at Mandalay and you will get to meet some interesting people in the sign industry and have some very "Las Vegas Entertainment"...and trust me - this is like nothing you would expect but is soooooooo Las Vegas. Sign up if you want to come: http://www.axiomled.com/isa2009/
  24. Smart company - buying the company that builds a lot of complicated fiberglass products for some major brands...so maybe other companies may win some of the ImagePoint business but they may have some escalating material costs for the outsourced portion...I think this is a brilliant move that shows the brains behind this company. When times are tough the smart win.
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