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sunshine last won the day on November 5 2011

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About sunshine

  • Birthday 06/13/1958

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Profile Information

  • Name
  • Company
    La Crosse Sign Co., Inc.
  • Job Title
  • City & State
    Onalaska, WI
  • Gender

Previous Fields

  • Company Type
    Vinyl & Digital Shop

Quick Company Info

  • Contact Number
  • Address
    1450 Oak Forest Dr.
    Onalaska WI 54650
  • Equipment
    Service/Install trucks to 130', enclosed trucks, excavator, auger, lift

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Apprentice (3/6)



  1. Anyone else experiencing problems with the national, United Visual Branding? We recently completed a large Audi project for them and they stopped payment on a small check last week, still owe us a large chunk of $ and are past due, are non-responsive to calls/emails, and we found on another forum the PM we worked with was laid-off last month.
  2. Does anyone know if an agreement for pay back is actually enforceable?
  3. Thanks for all the comments. We started out small, with a few employees and verbal communication was the norm. We interacted enough that we could easily see what someone didn't know and could help them out, again, verbally. We're over 50 employees now, with three locations, and still growing. A lot of that growth came very quickly and veteran employees moved up the ranks, learning new positions and not having the time to teach properly. There's also the question of whether people who perform a job well are good teachers. We certainly have our sign standards but I was looking for something in writing, if that wheel had already been invented. Seems it has not, so we'll work on one. I've been in the business over 30 years myself and I appreciate that it does take a long time to get familiar with the ins and outs of building custom signs. Evidently my original question led people to believe we don't know what we're doing. I was just hoping to find something that would help the onboarding process and get people up to speed faster. Thanks, again.
  4. Thanks for your input. I agree completely about the estimator...it was definitely a "got no choice" decision. I see a lot of people have viewed my post but only one response? Are you all just silently wishing us luck???
  5. We have a lot of new employees...in sales, design, estimating, and production drawings. Is anyone aware of written sign construction "standards"? Like when you need to switch from flat faces to pan, pan to flex, what to consider for sign depth, etc? This training by fire is killing us. Is there anything out there to help? Thanks for whatever input you can give.
  6. Has anyone done work for Identity Management/Identity Business, out of Grapevine, Texas?
  7. Thanks, David. I'm very familiar with Appleton. I didn't think they had resources to work at this height, but I'll check. Thanks, again!
  8. Looking for someone to assist with an installation in Milwaukee at 100'. Any volunteers or recommendations?
  9. Looking for an installer for a project in Bothell, WA. Any recommendations?
  10. Can anyone recommend a company in San Antonio, to do a vinyl install?
  11. Do you have any references? We're looking at the Yesco franchise setup. This seems like a possible alternative, but I'd like to hear from someone who's using it.
  12. We add a line item to our bill on T&M jobs, equal to 5% of the total man and service truck charge. For example, two men and a truck for one hour = $135, plus fuel surcharge of 5% of $135 = $6.75, total $141.75. It doesn't just cost us going down the road, as the trucks run on site as well. Might not sound like much, but if you figure a 10 hour billable day, it's $67.50 additional revenue to help cover fuel. We've had the surcharge up as high as 8% and as low as 3%. I don't see it ever going away completely.
  13. It'll be interesting to see if anyone else posts an answer to Mark's question. I asked a similar question awhile ago and didn't get one response, so I also appreciate Mark's (from Alltex) input. Thanks!
  14. Thought I posted this already but don't see it...I just checked and it was $7,170 for the first six people and $595 for each additional. Website: http://www.ats-specialized-training.com/
  15. I just checked and it was $7,170 for the first six and $595 for additional people. Website: http://www.ats-specialized-training.com/
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