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Lane Booth

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Everything posted by Lane Booth

  1. Car Wash Sign circa 2006... I couldn't resist...
  2. Alright, which one of you old farts been around long enough to have driven this truck new? C'mon, you know who I'm talking to...
  3. Do you think this thread helped to resolve the invoice? Do you think an invitation to join the thread and explain thier side of the story would be appropriate, of any use. By that I mean - as of right now we only see that there was a problem of some kind. And even though the issue is resolved, there was still an issue to begin with. What was the issue to begin with? Is delayed payment just SOP for this company? Would you recommend working for them in the future? Would you do more work for them? Would they send more work your way? That link I posted to the similar thread on Signweb seemed to have a semi-positive outcome for the company in question - to some degree, anyway. (I think mainly because the owner of that company saw that a thread like this could be very damaging to him in the long run, and he changed his ways.) Regardless of the situation, this isn't Hollywood where all press is good press even if it's bad press. Tell me that you have done work for a company and you have had problems collecting on the invoice... That company name goes into my warning list on my desktop. Such is the case with this company here, till I learn otherwise.
  4. Here ya'all go. The hours read 00174.0. The model# and Seial# are in the pic. The table to the left of the machine holds the coil stock and feeds it into the machine. And then there is the tray stand to the right which catches the returns as they come out of the machine. There is also the original computer (no software) which has its own little matching cabinet. Sorry no pic of that, but it is included.
  5. I'll drop by the shop today and get all the numbers off the Channel Master. One of the draw backs my guy was going to have was the fact that he doesn't have a cnc router table. So the letter backs and faces would still be getting cut by hand, allowing for human error, which would cause problems with the computer cut returns. Whoever gets this thing really needs to have the ability to keep everything cut by computer, so the backs, faces and returns all line up correctly. I'll post the info this afternoon. WCSG, I'm not getting this thing I'm only helping my fabricator guy get it out of his shop. I wish I could get it, and a ShopBot!!! Unfortunatley, all I have is the engraver still.
  6. Here's an image I got off the internet. I have some pics of the actual Channel Master up for sale, somewhere on my computer. Just can't find them. Here's the deal. My local fabrication guy bought this thing almost a year ago and never got the software to run it. I have the software to run it but I'm not giving up my software dongle. I know the thing runs because I made a few files for him to try out and they worked. He doesn't want the thing taking up his shop space anymore. He paid 5k for it and will let it go for the same. The software I have is Sign Lab / Engrave Lab. You would need to buy your own copy, which is upwards of $2,500 if I remember correctly. Could be more, could be less. I bought a plotter at the same time. I suppose there are other programs that will work as well. And of course you would have to pay for shipping. The thing weighs a ton. If bought locally I could deliver for a couple hundred bucks. Also I suppose I could take my laptop and dongle down there for a demonstration if you wanted to see it in action before buying.
  7. Anybody interested in buying one of these. Anybody have anything good or bad to say about them?
  8. That sooo reminds me of me when I first opened up for business. Swear I can still hear the words ringing in my ears, "What do you mean I need a contractors License?!@#$%!" --- It was a long hard road getting to point of being able to get that license. But well worth it. In your particular area I suppose it's very possible that you don't need a contractors license. I've heard of small municipalities and rural areas that don't really care about such things, supply and demand type thing... People need signs, but there are no licensed contractors within 250 miles. What to do? The anwser is simple, whoever wants to step up and be the local sign guy,... well, there ya go. Get yourself insured... You are now the local sign guy, with the full blessing of your local community. None of the above is intended as insulting or demeaning. LIke I said earlier, I had no idea I needed a contractors license here in Phoenix when I first started. I kinda figured all you needed was the heartfelt desire and determination to be the best sign guy around. By the way, for those of you who don't know, which is just about all of you out there, my background in the sign industry started over a decade and a half ago doing interior engraved ADA signs, wayfinding sign programs, and such for the hotel and hospitality industry... Huge difference in the exterior illuminated sign industry. Again that ringing in my ears...
  9. Lane Booth


    From the album: BGD Signs, L.L.C.

    What happens when you climb a ladder up to a black ceiling that has a black ceiling fan humming away nice and quiet... Whack!!! And down the ladder you go...
  10. From the album: BGD Signs, L.L.C.

    During the summer, we love these kind of jobs!
  11. From the album: BGD Signs, L.L.C.

    That's Katie up there... Two letter sets, 26 hours including travel time...
  12. From the album: BGD Signs, L.L.C.

    Wouldn't it be cool to restore an old beast like this and park it out front of your shop?
  13. From the album: BGD Signs, L.L.C.

    This would be one of those canopies that have to have the columns framed in and stuccoed. And of course this is the station that had 200 - 300 hot chicks every day.
  14. Lane Booth

    Chevron Before

    From the album: BGD Signs, L.L.C.

    These old spanners weigh in at about 750 - 1000 lbs. each, depending on how they are made. There are a few ways they are made. And they come out in different ways also, depending on how they are made. Some ya cut out with a saws-all, others it's best to dismantle. I prefer the ones that have to be cut out. It's easier to haul them away... Agian this is a day one shot.
  15. From the album: BGD Signs, L.L.C.

    We can fix those.
  16. Lane Booth

    All Done

    From the album: BGD Signs, L.L.C.

    Time to head back to Phoenix...
  17. Lane Booth

    Another Phase

    From the album: BGD Signs, L.L.C.

    LEDs hooked up and all lit...
  18. From the album: BGD Signs, L.L.C.

    Brackets and LED Lighting in place...
  19. Lane Booth

    Biggest Canopy

    From the album: BGD Signs, L.L.C.

    This is what they look like on day one when we first show up... Another store where it was a absolute pleasure to get to know the staff.
  20. From the album: BGD Signs, L.L.C.

    I used to try to lift these faces up by hand...
  21. From the album: BGD Signs, L.L.C.

    Cold and winy day, and of course we were doing vinyl decals that day...
  22. From the album: BGD Signs, L.L.C.

    I used to try to lift these faces up by hand...
  23. From the album: BGD Signs, L.L.C.

    Also new wrap around POS.
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