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Everything posted by jamesw001

  1. Hiring Fastsigns to "build" and "install" an electric sign is like hiring the clerk at Starbucks to buy you a new car. You'll be broken down in the desert waiting for a tow truck while you enjoy a great cup of joe.
  2. In my opinion the UL listing, even though we are a UL company, has become more about job security and less about safety. In other words, the more they can dig their fingers in to every aspect of your industry, the more "needed" they will seem.
  3. These ordinances are getting out of hand. Why would they limit the height of a sign to 15'? Are they trying to make the signs block visibility? Trying to get them hit by trucks? The photo in that first article was very interesting. If you eliminated the traffic signs, traffic signals, telephone poles and power lines then the street would look fine. The problem isn't the signs, it's all of the other mess that's visible but doesn't need to be. Signs need to be there and signs need to be visible. Plus, I disagree that signs cause traffic hazards. I'm confident that I am a safer driver when the the businesses around me are presented in a clear manner and not hidden. James Watson Signs Manufacturing
  4. In my area, Dallas/Ft. Worth, we've had a flurry of ordinance changes that practically eliminate pole signs (and a lot of sign companies along with it). I don't know when they all got together to decide to do away with signs, but it's all happening at the same time. Now businesses go in/out like crazy and no restaurants want to open their doors around here because they just can't make themselves seen. I asked the City of Irving (who are revising their sign ordinance) why they were limiting pole signs at all. Their response was that they're "not limiting them as much as some Cities." I don't understand the "because we can" mentality of the Cities. If you don't have a real good, necessary reason to regulate, DON'T REGULATE! James Signs Manufacturing
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