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GO BIG or GO HOME!!! Posting some pics of a 22" Deep Pole Sign Cabinet that a customer sent. If you're going to do a large, deep....Double Sided Cabinet or Monument Sign....do it right! No cheesy propietary Stiks, no fake Keystroke Constant Voltage Faux HO LED Lamps....resulting in poor luminance and "Usable Light"... Do it Cost Effective, and do it "Simply".......just chop some angles, tap 'em in and apply some Big Boy SunFires. The costs of using 1"x1" angle, 1" Square Tubing comes out to about $1.75 a foot. 12' Rows spaced just Like real HO Fluorescent Lamps, and space 12" module to module and you'll understand why these are called "SunFire". Sit back and observe the Disgusting amount of light these Magnificent BrightON SunFire LEDs produce! You'll end up with Competitive Light...NOT Usable Light. Using the BrightON SunFire LED Modules for Double Sided Cabinets you're looking at $6.50 per foot for DS, compared to Proprietary Systems costing $13 to $20 per foot Think of the cost saving annually....why pay extra for less light and for method of attachment costs?? Constant Current NOT Constant Voltage for Even/Consistent Lighting....High Efficiency (Light per Power)....Real White...24 Volt & Under Driven for Long Life!!!! How to make this system even better? Team up the BrightON SunFires with some France Lighting Solutions TruPower LED Power Supplies Seeing is BELIEVING!!
- electric sign
- sunfire
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Thought I'd post some pics of a project I recently put up for a group of owners I've been doing some signs for over 15 years, this is the latest project located here in San Diego in Pacific Beach California. This job was supposed to be up last December, but as you can imagine things don't happen over night like they should in for this project in California and a good reason why business's leave California for other fruitful states in our grand union. This project was no different and unlike other states.....here,anything built on the beach, you have to go through the California Coastal Commission. This establishment won't be ready after much delay until almost a year later, and set to open this November possibly December. This project was originally composed of a third sign, a 18' tall projecting sign which got denied in the permitting process. Can't get them all in California I guess you can say. So we're left to be happy with what THEY allow us to have. Anyhow, this project is two 4' x 20' Electric wall sign cabinets, 1/8" alum walls and 3" deep open face channel letters spaced 1.5" from the cabinet background. 18mm Tri-Phosphor Voltarc Accent 30 border, and Voltarc 15mm Rare Earth Phosphor Sparkling Blue Letter outline lighting. The owners wanted a halo lighting similar to a previous job so we used Our NC LED's Constant Current Green LED Modules for low light subtle Rear Letter Halo Lighting. All Lighting Powered by Franceformer's for Neon, and our Union Elecom for the driving the NC Green Constant Current LED's A big thank you to Joe Walsh of Voltarc for helping us get what was needed for this job, the Neon is Brilliant and of course stands out over the beach night city scape. This Beach won't be needing a light house for lost fisherman after all now thanks to Voltarc! There aren't very many Neon signs on this coast that I know of, in fact....I can't think of any so these signs are a real beacon. They must be because the owners asked me if after installation and first lighting if I could hook up a dimmer......" a wut??!?!" Early assembly shots Tranny trays And a shot of our LED Wall Pass Thru System A solo illumination shot of our Green Constant Current NC LED Modules, using just a single stroke for a light subtle offering. Wall Pattern Day. If you're going to do a sign project on a hot summer day you might as well be RIGHT on the beach. All that project stress went away sitting on the scaffolding listening to the seagulls, the crashing of waves, and smell of sea spray. I won't lie, I wanted to just bust out a hammock and go to sleep. Yes, I was working in Van's....I'm in SoCal, so that's all you need to know! Westrim Products Graphed Pattern Paper!
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- electric sign
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Curious, but even more curious to see what these letters look like. But I can't imagine it actually eliminates a licensed contractor or electrician. After all, power does need to be brought to said location, AND in most states any property improvements does require a licensed contractor to perform, improve or modify property and structures. I suppose you can go owner builder, but what property owner will actually go through the process let alone a property owner allow one of their tenants to perform exterior work with no guarantee THEY won't burn the building down leaving the property owner with no remedy to recover their loss? How will insurance work where the user can install on their own accord? Like I said, I haven't seen but it is curious. So many questions when it comes to liability that need answering. W.Va. sign maker gets utility patent for installation system http://www.timesleaderonline.com/page/content.detail/id/801563/W-Va--sign-maker-gets-utility-patent-for-installation-system.html?isap=1&nav=5020 February 28, 2015 HUNTINGTON, W.Va. (AP) — Tony Wheeler, owner and president of Paris Signs, has been awarded a utility patent for a modular power delivery system he said could change the way electric sign letters are installed. "The system is the only one of its kind and is approved by Underwriters Laboratory and the National Electric Code," Wheeler said. "The innovative feature is that it allows anyone to install electric channel letters without an electrical license." Channel letters are custom-made metal or plastic letters that are commonly used on the buildings of business, churches and other organizations for exterior signs. According to its website, the Underwriters Laboratory is a global independent safety science company that promotes safe living and working environments, helps safeguard people, products and places and facilitates trade. "All over the nation and world there's a safety regulation," Wheeler said. "The Underwriters Laboratory does testing and everything that has the 'UL' symbol means it's safe. All the municipalities throughout the United States require that UL be on signage." One hurdle Wheeler said his patent helps clear — since signs are required to be UL-approved after installation as well — is the requirement the job be performed by a certified electrician. "What we did is develop a system where anyone can install channel letters and plug them together," he said. "and it's still UL and National Electric Code-approved." Wheeler detailed what makes his system worthy of a utility patent. "We used special wire and special plastic," he said. "It's all molded plastics and three-prong plugs and there's a whole system to all the components. We sell it that way so whenever the client gets the letters it's a quick and easy install and it's already UL-approved so they can get their permit faster." The system is sold only along with letters, and UL requires Paris Signs to produce the system because of certain criteria that must be met. Wheeler received the patent in late 2014 and will soon launch a website. "We have an all-new website under construction to use as a direct marketing tool to sell the letters with the patented system," he said. "About 70 percent of our business is repeat customers. Mostly what we have tried to do is sell to sign companies, which works pretty well, but we're actually going to go direct-market to consumers with the new website." Incorporated in 1991, Paris Signs is located at 2400 5th St. Road in Huntington. Visit www.parissigns.com for more information.
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- channel letters
- UL
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