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I don't know what it is about our very own International Sign Association but they continually get it wrong when it comes to anything electric either in our very own electric sign industry or even when it comes to generally lighting. ISA just posted this Forbes article on their Facebook page with an added "Have you noticed that city skylines look a little different at night? I am noticing.... I'm noticing your continual lack of understanding and being able to decipher someones marketing points and doctored images to sell a products which lies about return on investment. Why does ISA have such a hard-on for anything LEDs or renewable energy? They seem to always orgasm on marketing done by others but don''t themselves have the clear ability to know when to pullout and get a grip on what's fiction and what's not. Their not interested in anything conventional. This all comes down to like I've been saying for years now and I'm proven right time and time again and this just emphasizes my point. When it comes to the International Sign Associations core group of the employed, the individuals who run the non-profit as a business they have no real background in our electric sign industry, or lighting background. Instead all we are left with as our leadership are individuals who only know how to run a business but not a trade. You have individuals from other areas, and they themselves might not even have real "know how" of that area in which they came. We have individuals that came from the plastics industry, the LED industry, maybe even someone from the lift-gate sales industry. We just had one come from the plastics industry, here into the sign industry then off into the pool and spa industry????? Just because you served in the plastics industry in the employment of a non-profit association doesn't mean you are validated about truly having knowledge about the plastic industry beyond being able to recite marketing points that were handed down to you. Which leads us to our trade. It's not good for our leadership to be composed of individuals who have no clear understating of what it is we do since they are not one of "us", nor understand how we survive and how we serve our customers. Instead the International Sign Association want to dictate to us, and enable government to pick winners where us the losers, pay out. I find it troubling in the areas in which they choose to support, or which area they choose to omit . So, back to the Forbes article obligation piece. http://www.forbes.com/sites/uciliawang/2014/09/10/bright-lights-big-profits/ This one line is a killer guaranteed to get a chuckle out of you. Keep in mind of Forbes audience and target, it's just the general public and investors. But the new marketing fear to switch over to LEDs is not that they can feed starving Cambodian Children or help out in world peace, but this time it's that LEDs help prevent "Breast Cancer". Careful! Don't spit your coffee on your keyboard, but yes you did read that right! So let's cut through all the Forbes article BS on return on investment and saving women from breast cancer and get to the meat of it. Let's look at the cool slider option. Before After 1 - As they want you to see it. How ISA wants to paint in your head. Looks good to to the average reader who has never even picked up or measured light right? Let's no look at it in the realm of reality. Before After 2 - As you should understand. I've circled some areas that are not affected by the public LED lighting, and what photographic filter are doing, or changes in the camera are not the same showing favorable lighting. Shadows and areas that were once lit up are now shadows and darkened. Overcast skies always cause glare of light again showing favorable lighting for the after shot which has no overcast skies Before After 3 - As they want you to see it. How ISA wants to paint in your head. Again, the wow factor. Let's spend 4 times more to get less in return. Before After 4 - As you should understand. Now, let's rip off the cover from our eyes and really take a look at what we really are being shown. Usually a good place marker for these before and after pics that I've debunked over and over in the past is to look at background signs. Cleverly the pole sign in the before pic is cropped out. But we can see that the pole sign to the far right down the street is over exposed showing favorable light for the "after". Also, another dead ringer that this is a over exposed after shot is the fact that the store to the left. Their window sign illumination is now splashed on the street whereas in the high sodium pressure lights is not present. In closing, I'm in so cal so I'm very aware of the fact that all out old merc vapor lighting which worked wonderfully in the past before they got switched to HPS lights was so they don't interfere with the observatories. I don't believe in the HPS lighting because of the problems it causes with crime and the fact that their to low in light output and change colors but merc vapor lighting would be so much more brighter and cost a lot less. As a taxpayer, I am very upset and we here in California wonder why all the business's leave our state with no incentive to stay. Well, another one where the International Sign Association falls short in an area in which they consciously choose to support instead of telling all like it is, in truth. LEDs are great in some areas and not so great in others. I myself like to use them when the application calls out for it, but the International Sign Association has no understanding of the when, the why, and nor do they care.