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Read that Thread Sign Guy, pretty lame over there. Also read some of the other locked topics. Seems like people either forgot to, or need to take some meds. And, what the hell is OT? It's always on their topic names. I though you handled pretty well with it though. Seems like some of the members over there think they seem to be on a high tower or something, and can walk thru rain. I was going to post something but it seemd like it didn't need anymore gas to the fire

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I'm lost.....

I tried applying 3 times now to letterville...first time I got an email with what I did wrong, changed it. Emailed them twice since. No response. Not really sure what this has to do with your comment though.


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It's pretty slow over there Marek, I didn't get accepted till weeks after I finally got my admit in. SG, yes very lame. But my wife looked at it too for shits and giggles because sometimes I have to question myself if I may have originally asked the question wrong, and she said maybe a little but not in the sense to get the feedback I did. I mean I was gettign positive feedback from a few then all of a sudden there was miscommunication with one female sign maker in a reference I made about a quote from a movie with nothing to do with her husband who just posted his thoughts in regard to my post. Then it snowballed form there, some other sign chick said I was arrogant, lol... in the way I was coming into the forum being new and all with my humor not being funny to her and blah blah blah, you've read it you get the picture. So I didn't like the way she was trying to portay my persona to everyone else twisting what I was posting (quoting part of my post to make it seem in a fashion other than what I was laying down). Damn my head hurts right now, damn 1shot paint..... :blink: Oh yeah then her lil buddies come in and just blow it all out of proportion. I even got a PM or it was forwarded to me about the second sign chick going around contacting peeps about my post and one even had her calling me a newbie schmuck or something, they have a very wierd notiifcation in that forum, it just flashes in front of my screen for a brief second the goes away. Maybe it's because I'm on a mac or not a paid member. So I dunno, I just think it's funny & I actually just wanted it to go on, I found it entertaining. I mean to argue back with facts and substance and all they could do was tell me I'm being rude, crude, a dik, asshole, lizzard under the rock, disrespectful...etc...etc. & I never once called anyone a direct name, I just argued my case. You lose a debate or arguement once you start yelling or calling names because you have nothing to support or reinforce your case, so peeps panic and start flamming. I've alredy had a run in with one of them off the bat in one of my first posts in the beginning, anyway so that was amusing. I seemed to me that Steve the admin was either pist with me too or pist at the fact that he may have gotten called into it, he just seemed to want to resolve it and move on...i'm sure it wasted his time. With all those members and it seems to be just him as admin, lot's of people to keep in check. But man some of those members in other threads are just out right assholes. I would have banned some of them for a few weeks. :gay:

I gotta go get in the shower, finish my thought later....maybe :nutkick:

You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. - Winston Churchill

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I know, Erik calls me over to read a thread that's getting kinda funny. I read it and he asks me what I think of it. So i'm like, well your asking the question like your talking to one of your friends and it seems to go okay, one guy tells him he will be a good fit in letteville. Then people just start getting stupid, probably even if they don't know him I think you'd have to be a total sour puss not to understand that he's displaying some humor with his post, whether you think it's funny or not. I'm looking at the names and faces then I begin to understand, maybe their all just old and not with the times. Just to much for me to understand, the oldman paint guy screaming. lmao, I'm picturing some oldman squinting at the screen screaming at the monitor and spraying it with food flying from his mouth waving his fist in the air. He got all bent out of shape. Then the guy calling him a dick, though I don't mind that. He has what he has :D

The guy with the funny name "Yes Allen", hehe he looks like Jerry Garcia from the 60's who's still choking some bowls and conceals a joint in his shoe. They just all came out of nowhere to defend their Damsel in distress, :moon: pleeeeeez.

Well, how did we spend our day? I laid in bed half the day, Erik took little Dario to the beach. Cleaned the Garage, ran errands. Wathced a movie, put the kids to sleep & we went into the spa & had some adult beverages & listened to music. I bet they were messaging eachother in the background throughout the whole day.

Why did I just waste 10 minutes typing this. My show Dr. 90210 is on

Ba Bye :yippee:



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rotflmao, dats ma girl!



Max, fo sho fo sho. Hopefully the Seattle server will be populated I'm tired of that lagging gamebox server. Get on voice.

Hmmmm the water in the spa is still hot, decisons decisions

You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. - Winston Churchill

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Gooday all, I was having dramas logging in to Letterville and am not getting anywhere.

Not gonna botther anymore, I registered and got a password but got nuthin, emailed and got further instruction, still nuthin, emailed and told them and guess what, still nuthin. Now they simply will not answer emails.

Praps thats all they have to offer outsiders, nuthin.

But would love to read that thread, can someone post a link ?




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I'm kind of glad my registration hasn't gone through yet. I might of had a thing or two to say. I think it is funny how everyone wants people to "hover and let people get to know you". What does that have to do with awnings? I think people take things too litterally on the web. It is easy to mis-interperate something that is typed and not said in person. Well I'm off to watch the #1 basketball team in L.A. (Clippers) play the Utah Jazz. Won some tickets...hopefully they are good seats.


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Sorry guys I went to lay down in bed with Kirst for just a bit, she was going to bed early and next thing I know I'm awaken by an earthquake at 4am, I thought a damn truck hit the house :blink:

Maybe If I get a chance I'll be on tonight.

Marek I normally wouldn't have cared to much in regard to their comments but I've read stuff they've posted in the past with no one defending themselves, also it was Sunday with not much going on and I had to find some sort of way of cheap entertainment. I'm sure it was the same for them too, maybe everyone got a cheap thrill :P

lol @ #1 LA team..no kidding, I have a feeling the finals won't have any west coast teams :blink: Is that a new avatar Marek? I'm just now noticing it

You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. - Winston Churchill

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Thanx for that link Kgirl, that group may be a little tooooo clikkkii for me. Don't know if I can be bothered pursueing the registration hassles.

Earthquakes ?

What earthquakes ?

Hey Jet, your having a lend of us, right ?




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Old Avatar, new here. I think my hair looks nice in it. :afro: j/k

My niece got to go on court last night as one of the "high-five kids". She was excited as it was her first basketball game. We had 4th row seats too so we were right up front for the action (If you can call a Clippers game that).

I emailed Barb at Letterville to see if I can get activated, not sure if I will ever post there though. I'll try to lurk and let people get to know me first. :pillepalle:


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    • Oh that's cool.   Probably better articles too
    • I get emails from the mag and they have started to put early issues into an archive with the Cincinnatti public library.   it's facinating to look at the old copies, especially the ads for the various products.   EG sign lights with a hooded reflector don't seem to have changed much in design since the 1920's.    I've put a link to the archive below.  i hope they keep doing this because i'd love to see issues from the 1960's/70's when i first started helping my Dad.   https://digital.cincinnatilibrary.org/digital/collection/p16998coll17/search/searchterm/Collection of SmartWork Media/field/source/mode/exact/conn/and/order/datea/ad/asc
    • A long time ago I did a comparison between the different colors of neon with my eldest daughter.  It was for a science fair project.   We took 7-8 different neon samples (i had a ton at the time) and put a light meter on the various colors.   Clear red put out the most light by a good margin.   i don't have the info anymore because that was about 30 years ago but it does make sense to put red LED's behind red plex.    And we used to put red neon behind red faces - way back when - so red modules behind red faces is logical.  
    • We had a long time Mexican Restaurant customer switch out his clear red 15 mm neon for LEDs.  He thought our price was too high for LEDs so he used an unexperienced sign company and they installed cheap white Chinese LEDs behind his old faces. His faces went from red to pink (rosa) at night. Needless to say he wasn’t happy with pink faces… He pointed this out to the other Sign company, but they would not fix it. Plus, they had no clue what they were doing with the parking lot lighting as they tried replacing 400 W metal halide lamps with LEDs. He immediately called us to fix his parking lot lights because he was losing business because his parking lot was dark. He lived with the pink letters at night for a while and just recently hired us to install red LEDs and remove the white ones. He’s happy now with red faces again at night.
    • This is a great comparison to show why it's always best to use Red LEDs behind Red Faces, and not use White for everything.     On the left is the one of the brightest white LEDs on the market...The .8watt BrightON II LED Module, on the right the BrightON Ruby Red…also .8 watts per module and probably thee brightest Red LED module on the Market.          When we put a 7328 White acrylic sign face over the white we get a luminance of 240 Foot Candles of Light right on the sign surface .  Now we’ll switch the White acrylic with another 7328 White Acrylic with 3M Red 3630-30 Applied Translucent vinyl and see the results.         Red is very hard to capture using an iPhone, but believe me…..in person the contrast between the channels that has the White LEDS vs the Red LEDs is large.  The Red is overwhelmingly brighter than the White with a luminance on the sign face with 47 Foot Candles….and the White LEDs with a luminance of ONLY 18 Foot Candles.         When using White LEDs behind a Red face you will lose 50% of the luminance on the sign face based on how the lens filters the wavelengths.  This is why it’s best to use Colors behind Colors….Most of the time!    
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