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Sign Builder Illustrated - November 2010 Issue


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  • Board Patron

Nice article Eric but I would like to see more pics of how you kept the secondaries from creating a shadow in the neon app.

I always like to see pics of your projects and you attention to detail especially your mounting methods.

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Uhhg. They didn't put the power costs in for the CCFL system.

Oh well, Sign Builder did a good job of keeping the original content in.


Awesome Sign Builder Illustrated, an honest article that's good for the industry!

On the secondaries, their too close to the lamps to cause any shadows, I wish they would have used some more photos but I'm happy/grateful they got the article up and pretty complete.

Here's some bigger more detailed pics from in our tutorial section


You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. - Winston Churchill

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  • !llumenati

So, I walk in after a long day, and the mail pile is sitting there. Underneath the pile of postage-free junk, there's the November SB, which I thumb through quickly, looking for tidbits. Find another LED channel letter article, which I peruse. Figured it's another "LEDs are the only way" propaganda, but somethings different. This one's got numbers. This one's got references. Fascinating. I page on a bit. Wait a minute - CCFL's are mentioned - and they're not being ridiculed. To borrow a line, inconceivable! Who wrote this? Thumb to the first page and read: Erik G.


Gotta admit - caught me completely by surprise.

So, good job Erik! Good article - to borrow a phrase again, fair and balanced.

Only question is - how did you manage to get them to publish something intelligent?

"Freedom has ceased to be a birthright; it has come to mean whatever we are still permitted to do" - Joe Sobran

I was tired yesterday, I'm tired today, and I'll be retired tomorrow - TD

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Yeah - I've had the same November SBI sitting in the mail pile for a couple of weeks now, not knowing that we received a nice plug in Erik's article.

So thank-you, Erik, for including us in the LED portion of the article.

One thing I wanted to clear up, though, is that pretty much all our products are constant current and not sensitive to the kind of voltage variations that Erik mentioned in the piece. Any power supply between about 10.5 and 14V works just fine. It would have been nice if they had room to post the picture of the completed and installed Solare sign, but they did seem to use your article in it's (more?) original form, compared to last time - so good work. Hopefully it drives some good traffic here as well.

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.....Figured it's another "LEDs are the only way" propaganda, but somethings different. This one's got numbers. This one's got references. Fascinating. I page on a bit. Wait a minute - CCFL's are mentioned - and they're not being ridiculed. To borrow a line, inconceivable! Who wrote this? Thumb to the first page and read: Erik G.

Thanks Telford, You hit right on the head and looked at it exactly how I wanted the reader to look at it,(how it should) come across. I really don't see the reason to bash one light source in a story just to sell an idea or thought, each light source has their strong points and weak points, these two jobs here I think I concentrated on the products strong points.

Whatever the preference of the user, they should know the strengths and weakness's of what they use.

@ Marko, yeah I think they used that Solare in to other articles :lol_hitting: so I'm sure they got tired of hitting the print button on it.

You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. - Winston Churchill

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