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Inventory/tool checklist

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Does anybody have a checklist that their installers can check inventory/tools and supplies with at the end of the day and hand into the office?

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  • !llumenati

Inventory is a big expensive and time demanding issue.    My newest truck was outfitted with over $ 5,000 in tools .

I have found thru the years that employees with little to limited tools become tool rich with every tool made.

And guess where they got them ?  Without identification marks, all tools are the same


We run 11 trucks and have found  this to be the easiest.  

All trucks have different colors and color coded tools.  Each truck is loaded and ready for anything that arises.

We also have a check list of all the required tools, Hammer Drills, HS Drills, Extension Cords and Hand Tools.

There is no way to inventory every item.  Pick what is worth inventory

Ladders are also labeled according to the truck.  10 - 1  10 -2  all the way up .  Truck 10, ladder # 2

Color Coding is simple. Paint or Vinyl on everything.  Makes it simple to keep tools in the correct truck.

( All the installers also have their own colors for their own tools )


DeWalt tools is coming out with a chip to adhere to any tool.  It will come with an App so you can track

everything and anything you want.

This will be available soon and can be the answer.


In the end, you need to be on top of Inventory. Only you will be responsible for the inventory.



We changed our policy 6 years ago so that all the installers have their own tools. 

We supply all the Electric and some cordless tools, all the common install tools. 

But everything else is theirs.   Our replacement tool cost is almost zero now.


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Paul, that would be a massive improvement for a smaller chip that is easier to hide or fit in the tool. I looked into that system before after having a welder stolen, but the device was large and wouldn't have worked in my application.

Pretty amazing the improvements in only a few years!


Also, I'm on the same page.....we provide the major tools on the truck - jackhammer, welder, hammer drills, etc; But I expect employees to carry all basic hand tools an impact/drill combo set, strippers, etc;


I find that tools magically don't get lost or broken when employees have paid for them. It also separates those that take pride in their work. I've never met someone who actually had a true interest in the field that didn't have their own set of tools.

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I like Paul's way. I made sure every truck was outfitted with the appropiate tools. With the lead installers supplying their own cordless and hand tools.

I have noticed around here that different lead hands will change trucks everyday. I discouraged that with my own crew. I would assign each lead hand with their own truck, no changing to another. This way I knew  if an extension cord was missing, a ladder damaged, or the truck was damaged, I knew who was responsible. Also it was the lead hand to know what is stock needed to be replaced etc.

Their own tools damaged during an install would be replaced by me, I always got the damaged tool back to me. I have had other installers damage an impact/ drill and show up with a whole new kit. It didn't go over to well.

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