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National Sign & Service Review Forum Updating

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I have to post this everyone once in a while, so I'm repeating again.




For all those those who have access the National Sign & Service Company Review Forum, your participation, NOT your Distance Watching is much needed.


Too many are just watching, scanning without engaging.  The Review list is ONLY as good as it can be with more engagement.


Good reviews of companies are just as good as the, not so good.


I can't tell you how many times over the years it's helped get a lot of companies get paid, or saved companies from getting shafted


From time to time I get calls or threatening emails to "Remove" content mentioned about said companies.  Who does that?


Well.....I refuse to do so, and will continue to refuse unless it's something you want removed from your own statement.


If you're new to The Sign Syndicate, you should know that the review forum has been a good forecaster for troubled companies that may be not their way out of this industry...and when that has been the case it's drowned some subcontractors as well as suppliers down along with them.  It's a sad thing, and at the same time it's saved others.


These days for the non-payers they have many tools they like to use, future work carrot dangling, Non-Disclosure agreements, and lately....releasing your rights to a lien process( which in most cases is not legal).  Generally trying to get Subs to give up their tools and remedies to get paid



In my state of California, subcontractors MUST be paid within 30 Days of invoice, or the Primary Contractor can be fined, or lose their contractors license.  


So We shouldn't have this problem here in my state, but surprisingly.....we do.


Mainly because Subcontractors here accept work outside the state.  In most of these cases that contract is illegal because the primary party has NO contractors license in this state.  ONLY licensed contractors can Subcontract for projects or maintenance in the state of California.  I'm sure most other states who have contractors licenses work pretty much the same way, it safeguards the Primary, the Subcontractor, an most importantly...the consumer.


But...we also need the GOOD positive reviews of the Good Guys, so we all know who they are too.


This site will only be as great as those who help make it great.


If a company is not listed here that you think should be listed, please reply back or contact me by message.





Lastly, I'm fully aware that relationships between Contractors and Subcontractors is a two-way street.  There are some crappy subcontractors who can perform just as crappy, and have no business, being in business.   We have a Review forum is for that as well, HERE


Reviews can also be left on the companies marker in the Installer Map




All The Best To All







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You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. - Winston Churchill

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So I went thru the nationals list and updated comments if anything was out of date or had changed. All of us who contract services should do this. 


How do the companies listed get on the list? We do work for a good number of shops that send work all over and are not listed.

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19 hours ago, HansonSigns said:

Identiti Resources Ltd
425 N Martingale Rd, 18th Floor
Schaumburg, IL 60173


If you want to include them in the Nationals list, I'll give them a 5 star review.

Are they still in business?  Google says they are "Permanently Closed" odd


But, anyhow they are now listed here


You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. - Winston Churchill

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3 hours ago, UFB Fabrication said:

So I went thru the nationals list and updated comments if anything was out of date or had changed. All of us who contract services should do this. 


How do the companies listed get on the list? We do work for a good number of shops that send work all over and are not listed.

Usually members contact me by email or message and we put them up.  As long as their Nationals for this forum that hire subs and they are not listed here send me a list in a message or reply here and I'll get them up.


Thanks for updating Steve!

You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. - Winston Churchill

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  • Erik Sine changed the title to National Sign & Service Review Forum Updating

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