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Question for old timers String Pattern

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I have a large set of letters coming up, and I want to install with a string pattern, simply because wind will be an issue.  Does anyone have a drawing I can use, to show the customer (National) what I want?  And would you be willing to let me share it with them?  I could draw one up, but I am just being lazy I guess.



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Mike, i started helping my Dad in this business in the late 1960's and have installed a gazillion signs for myself and many national companies.   i've never heard of a "string" pattern.  Since you are so close to the ocean I can understand the wind issue.   And I've found that things are often called by different names in different parts of the country.   What's a "string pattern?"

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Rocco, this is a very rudimentary  sketch.  I am not an artist with pen and paper.  basically, the mount holes are in line, and you measure from center to the distance that intersects the string then this is where your mount will be,  it is very accurate.  the same for the power holes.  Oh, the drawing does not show the distance from center the line of the mounts are, but that is a known number, given when the layout is done.  


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Interesting.   i've never seen anything like that.   We'd do our best to deal with a paper pattern but I can understand.  We've transfered paper patterns to pieces of corogated plastic if we had to rain coming in.  Maybe go that route?  Or put in on tyvek or even that corrugated cardboard that comes in a roll.   i guess it depends on the size of the sign, height, etc.   Good luck with it.  if they do send you a string pattern i'd be interested to see it on the wall.  How big is the sign?

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I've been in the sign business since 1976 in a number of different parts of the Country from the Midwest to the Pacific Coast and the last 22 years in a very windy part Montana and I have never heard of the string pattern.  I have however measured them out much like you show by putting a snap line on the wall and measuring over. I just never heard it called a string pattern.   We just finished a fairly long set in a very windy area and we spray glued the pattern to sheets of cardboard.

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