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carlmcmas last won the day on October 27 2016

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About carlmcmas

  • Birthday 03/11/1980

Profile Information

  • Name
  • Company
    J&M Signs
  • Job Title
  • City & State
    Decatur, Alabama
  • Gender

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  • Company Type
    Full Service Shop

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  • Contact Number
  • Address
    109 Prospect Dr SE
    Decatur, alabama
  • Equipment
    L55 Elliott, 85HD Skyhook, 40 Sponco

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Floor Sweeper

Floor Sweeper (2/6)



  1. I haven’t had any luck yet. Still looking…
  2. Any chance anyone out there has an older Watchfire EMC they've removed with a phone modem? Our city has a board we installed back in 07 and the board works great, the phone modem is just shot. Watchfire is no longer making that hardware. Thanks!
  3. Not to be insensitive to the areas hit harder by Covid 19, we have been virtually unphased by any of it as of yet.  I know we are blessed and fortunate, and am deeply saddened by the affects of my brothers and sisters in the sign business that I'm hearing about here and thru LinkedIn.  Hang in there gang, it has to get better, you just gotta believe that.


  4. We're sanitizing like crazy here as well. I've asked the outside guys to have as little contact with people as possible. Asking stores to turn on sign circuits whenever possible and not passing work orders for sign-offs. Of course we're doing an install today and the national PM emails and says to be sure and get a sign off ?. I guess the 20 pictures of the 3x7 wall cabinet they require won't suffice. Needless to say after an email explaining our new policy, they were ok with it. Our phones have slowed down substantially as well. Of course the nationals are still hammering 2-3x per day as if they are our only clients and we we sit and wait for their calls. Who can pass up a 2 hour survey an hour and a half away with a NTE of $150? ? What's amazed me is just how fast everything has come to a screeching halt. Lets all stay safe and sanitary. This too shall pass.
  5. We’re in uncharted territory with this one I’m afraid. What are all of you guys doing about this? Our governor (Alabama) has issued a state of emergency, schools are closing for 2 weeks (toss spring break in and it’s 3) Everyone has been asked to “social distance” themselves. I’m not a doctor but I do feel this is more serious than a cold and could end up really bad if we don’t take some precautions. In what I’ve read and deciphered for myself, cleaning, hand washing and social distancing seem to be the best way to slow this down. We all know we don’t have the joy of working remotely. Signs aren’t going to install or repair themselves. But we also have a responsibility to our clients and employees. What have you guys planned out? I imagine we’ll take it day it day by day, but if this things starts spreading like wildfire, we may not have a choice but to close for a bit. (Italy)
  6. We are a small, 3rd Generation family run shop in North Alabama in need of a service / installation technician. Good driving record Previous experience NO travel required If interested, please reply below or email carlmcmas@aol.com
  7. We are a small, 3rd Generation family run shop in North Alabama in need of a service / installation technician. Good driving record Previous experience NO travel required If interested, please reply below or email carlmcmas@aol.com
  8. We've done several for Design Team Signs out of Savannah, Tn
  9. http://www.adweek.com/adfreak/watch-people-other-industries-react-hilariously-being-asked-free-spec-work-167945 How many times have we, as sign professionals been asked for concept drawings or sketches with the hope of getting the job if the client likes it. I wish I could say I've never done it, but I have. This was just too good not to share.
  10. A train wheel. No kidding. Came out of a 3' hole we augered. We were about a mile away from the nearest train tracks...
  11. We have a 6x10 PVI that is being used as a table. Everything still works well. It doesn't have the automatic clamping system, we've always used vice grips. Anybody with any idea what it may be worth?
  12. Isn't that the truth. My grandfather who started this place had a saying very similar. "No need in being tired and hungry both". Some of these nationals floor me.
  13. Here is what we wound up purchasing. Took delivery of it Thursday. So far, so good!
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