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Signs Of The Times March 15' Issue - Letter to the Editor

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Just read this in the newest Signs Of The Times March Issue. It's a letter to the editor from Harold Cortese president of EGL, basically a complaint as to why they weren't included in the article.

Letter To The Editor


Original Article


I think they weren't included probably because it would turn into a fluff piece rather than wanting to get to the root of the problem. You can only do that from Neon users or suppliers themselves. Harold's letter was very self serving, and a free advertisement of "look here!".

Here's the quote kicker

".....In closing, neon signmakers still have material and equipment vendor options outside of Chinese products: they'll be available for as long as the industry supports its own...."

In a matter of fact, EGL has really hammered down on retrofitting Neon out with their LEDs, if you go to any show, you'll notice that the EGL booth Neon products have shrunk, and they're displaying what they're heavily invested in...LEDs. I mean, they've even advertised this in a few trade magazines EEEEeerrrrrr, brochures rags. Once they were a Neon company who proded themselves on real numbers and sources you can measure. If I remember correctly their LEDs are Chinese yes???

They say you can contact them directly and place an order. Not true. In a matter of fact, I've tried in the past to place an order and it's damn near impossible, they don't even return phone calls. This is the reason why I jumped on over to using FMS and Tecnolux.

I'm glad Marcus didn't contact them, because all the SOT reader would have gotten in return was "fluff" and marketing garbage. Marcus's original article literally slapped manufacturers and sign suppliers like them in the face.....hard.... and it didn't feel, or taste good either. There is reason for that, that's because it was the hard truth.

Cheers to you Signs Of The Times!

P.S. I don't even know why SOT even printed that letter from EGL.

You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. - Winston Churchill

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