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Portable Generator

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In the market for a portable generator (2200w) to have in the field and thought I was ask here to see what others have been using for Dependability and of course job site Quietness.


Honda has always been King (kinda digging their Bluetooth) I was thinking about the Gererac and possibly the Yamaha, which I love for motorsports.


Honda is about $1,200




Generac $550




Yamaha $850





But maybe $1,200 is a little much for what others can do just as good...or as needed


You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. - Winston Churchill

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On 12/16/2020 at 7:31 PM, plyda said:

Go to harbor freight and get a predator.  That way when it gets dropped out of the truck you will not cry as hard!  LOL

agreed, get the warranty. But having said that we have the honda and its not too shabby

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  • !llumenati

We have 3 Honda Generators for over 6 years and they still work flawless.
( I don't think we ever did any tune ups or repairs on any of them ) 

When you need it, it starts and works.  That's the extra value.
Saving a few hundred might cost you thousands 

We also switched from " Miller Welder Generators to Lincoln Brands "   So far, so good 

I'm interested in how the Generac and Yamaha works, anyone ?................

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47 minutes ago, paul321 said:

We have 3 Honda Generators for over 6 years and they still work flawless.
( I don't think we ever did any tune ups or repairs on any of them ) 

When you need it, it starts and works.  That's the extra value.
Saving a few hundred might cost you thousands 

We also switched from " Miller Welder Generators to Lincoln Brands "   So far, so good 

I'm interested in how the Generac and Yamaha works, anyone ?................


Me too.  The Generac is fairly new to portable generators (2015) but of course longtime in bigger generators.  Yamaha motors IMO are right there with Honda and in some ways even better, and their generator is fairly less expensive than Honda and more reasonable.


I'd hate the market to be like TV's where once Sony was the top dog and charged far out of value and just sold the name, then came along Mitsubishi, SamSung, LG, which had far superior units for lesser money.  I like the Honda generator too, but wonder if the market of it's competitors has finally caught up where you can spend less for a good or better return

You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. - Winston Churchill

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If all you need is solid power, I prefer the Sensata Dimensions 3000 watt Pur Sine Inverter. Many used units out there from utility trucks. Have it professionally installed and all you have to do is maintain a marine deep cycle battery. We have 2 units and you can do everything you need to do. Except run a welder, but then you maybe able to that we just have never researched or tried to.



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Been running a cheap 99.00 dollar Sams club inverter in my bucket truck for 15 years or more and it does everything I need. It is a 1500 watt. It runs grinders,band saws, heat gun,miter saw and everything I need. Just remember to turn it off at night. Also test fire signs after install if power is not available.

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  • 3 weeks later...

To update, I ended up going with the Generac for $549 from Home Depot which they delivered the next day. I'm pretty damn happy with it.  Starts on the first half pull and is quiet as hell.

You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. - Winston Churchill

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